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By anonymous - 12/05/2011 02:20

Today, my doctor told me I should consider a breast reduction. I'm a man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 883
You deserved it 13 545

Same thing different taste


painlessmind 11

or just an obese fat ****

dirtyblond 4
simply_improper 1

ever try suckin your own nips?

dirtyblond 4

or it can be a condition called gynecomastia.

simply_improper 1
Randuhh_17 4

dude, y'all who are assuming it's because he is fat, suck. there's a condition out there that can cause that. grow up...a bunch of fckin' children..

^^ someone just wrecked the joke waggon!

Randuhh_17 4

Because it was all "so funny".. And I surely did...idgaf...

maddieking 2

whats more common? a fat dude or a guy with a rare medical condition causing him to grow boobs... hmmm.

Randuhh_17 4

Why wouldn't the doctor just suggest him to lose weight? You can't just assume doesn't matter what's "more common"

flickyourbic1223 7

33 is obviously taking this fml personally. I'm sure her soap box is going to collapse under her weight any minute now so she won't be all high and mighty much longer. :/ OP should've mentioned a bizarre medical condition of that is the case, after all that would make the fml more intense. Self induced obesity is more likely the case. Sorry

Randuhh_17 4

lol, your funny. Correction, not personal, I just don't get my kicks on making fun of someone. That's the thing with people like you these days, you don't take other people in consideration. Talk about me, dislike my comments, I don't care; cause I know I'm a better person than you.

Randuhh_17 4

Some people do come on here to give advice, there might not be that many, but some do...

flickyourbic1223 7

Bigger is not always better. You cannot summarize my whole personality just because I shot down your overly defensive comment. In your own words "You can't just assume things." You keep mentioning how little you care yet you're still commenting. Go to bed now, you don't want to miss the school bus; Heaven forbid you have to walk.

57. we get it, your a saint! your better than us :/ I'm a sinner and guess what? I'm lmao right now :) atleast op might be able to win a wet t-shirt contest!

Randuhh_17 4

-65, whatever, like I said, you assume. Just because I took up for someone, you seem to want to bully; I'm sooo fat. Get a life, and over yourself. And for the school fact, I see you checked out my profile to learn my age, you should've kept reading. I graduated, you dumbass! No school. And Heaven forbid you get a real loser.

simply_improper 1

well maybe i will jus lick'em for ya >=]

flickyourbic1223 7

I didn't check your profile. I have a real job. And as irrelevant as that remark was I'd like to clarify that I make 15 an hour, no less than 8 hour shifts (usually from noon to midnight or later depending on the location) my last event tipped us 120, leaving me with a forty dollar bonus, And that is nothing for a fifty person private party. We usually average 200 to 1500 people. Might I ask what your promising "career" might be or should I just google burger king employee benefits?

You both sound incompetent. Stop arguin online and go get in a barfight or something. Or just take it to private messaging. Insulting someone you don't know is on the immature side. i know I kindaa just did, but... hahahhaha you deserve it. No one wants to see your petty argument.

I'd rather work at McDonalds than Burger King.

TheDrifter 23

Thanks for my fml laugh for the day. Seeing a snookie wannabe making a duckface in her profile picture was enough even before the high and mighty attitude in the comments. No need to feed the trolls people. She's only acting like a bitch to get attention.

Randuhh, I'm going to make this simple - if you've been here for any length of time, you will see that the majority of the commenters are here to make fun of the FMLs, not to give advice. Trying to be helpful doesn't make you any better than the rest of us, so get off your high horse, please. flickyourbic1223 - are you really bragging about making 15 dollars an hour? And about making a 40 dollar bonus? Seriously? You people need to grow up, shut up, and take it to PM.

TroII 0

#9 its prounounced "Moobs" lol

Moobs? Please...they're called "Breasticles"

PurpleRae420 0

Time to start exercising and eating right!

flickyourbic1223 7

Yea I am. I'm in my 20's (way young twenties) and I probably have more benefits than her parents. Like I said I was only pointing it out because she told me to get a real job. What could you say about your job when you were only 21?

nice.. first time I've heard that one!!

PSQ91 6

If i didn't say it, somebody else would have :)

rbubbles, how have you never heard of the infamous Moobs?!

I was thinking the same thing!!! MOOOBS!!!! :)

lol that's a new one xD I'm gonna start saying that

Just because the Doc. told him to get a breast reduction doesn't mean he's a fat ass. Geez. I feel sorry for you :/

# 136: why the hell would he have man boobs if he wasn't fat? huh? can you explain that? .... yeah you cant can you?

chickunkey 0

actually there are some unlucky guys out there who do get them without being fat..

Damnit 130 I was gonna say the exact same thing...chesticles.

Pufferfish78 5

There are many reasons besides being fat to get moobs. He could have high levels of estrogen.

131-your an arrogant ass hole judging people who are overweight!

some under-privileged girl could use those!

but man. he feels like a woman. -song plays-

Predental 5
whoisthisgirl 4

is this a repeat FML? I feel like I've read this one months ago.. maybe its just similar..

What's the problem? He didn't asked you to do a dick reduction.

Doomire 0

there are websites that fat guys go on and they like their body

y'all is a word that distinguishes the hicks from the rest of the Americans

62. Who mentioned y’all in the post? If you are having explosive diarrhea, I suggest you to run to your shithole, otherwise you might leave some shitty marks all over the stairs, carpet and on the floor.

that wouldn't be a "problem" then. it would mean he's well endowed which is generally a good thing. if they told him he needed a dick implant then it would be an FML..

lulututu 4

I hate fat people. ydi for being fat!

who cares if someone is fat, doesn't give you any right to hate them!

lulututu 4

aw a stranger insults me. how will I go on:)

Randuhh_17 4

Douche alert. Hey, you jerk, your comment is a waste of space...get over yourself, and grow up. *****.

lulututu 4

Y'all seriously need a better vocabulary :)

Lumenoire 0

Funny how that's coming from a person that says "y'all" and ends every sentence with a smiley face. But really, why so serious?

lulututu 4

Y'all is a word you idiot. Get a dictionary. You never heard of you all? And smiley faces are used to express yourself they aren't anything to do with vocabulary. Think before you say something:D

FML is on crack. It's messing up the order. Before I was the last of posting, and now I jumped up. Anyway I don't care much.

Or, you could keep the boobs and go for a sex change.

Maybe you should consider it. Not much of a turn on if you have bigger boobs than your mrs...

nomudkips 4

Hey now, some people are into that.

enonymous 8

OP why? I like your hairy boobs and love to motor boat the shit out of them. why are you trying to take that away from me?