By Anonymous - 03/11/2012 10:02 - Australia - Queanbeyan

Today, I decided to delete my Facebook account. My older sister repeatedly called me in tears asking why I'm cutting her out of my life. It seems I can't get rid of social media without my family taking offence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 085
You deserved it 2 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

twinny_sc 13

Haha that same shit happened to me. I got a call from my mom, sister, and best friend asking why I removed them as friends on Facebook. Then when I said I deleted it they were baffled. Damn social media.

AphyTheBronette 15

Just tell them to take a chill pill and that you love them, just not Facebook.


Goodness, this happened to me as well. They threatened to cut me off the family tree if I didn't make a new account and re-add them. Something isn't quite right when the current generation is better with cutting themselves from social media than the generation prior.

noisebox 1

You did the right thing hopefully they 'll get the Facebook virus out of their system too.

thetechdude22 0

Good for you the best thing I have ever done was delete my Facebook, never going back!

travisdp 4

Same exact thing happened to me. Everyone thought I was blocking them and they all got pissed lol

Well that's offenSive. Sorry to be that guy :/

kjb1234 5

You were the first if no one else did I was going to....

TheOath 12

Same happened to me too! My family immediately freaked out and was like "WHYY?!?!?!?!?!?!"

jazzmined 3

Story of my life too! I feel for ya!