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By Anonymous - 28/05/2009 04:19 - United States

Today, I decided to give blood for the second time. I felt excrutiating pain when she stuck the needle in my arm. Another nurse came running over in a panic. Apparently my inexperienced nurse had put it in my tendon instead of my vein. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 297
You deserved it 2 920

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Darth_Taco 14

OH! Man, I hope you're ok. How the hell do you mistake a tendon for a vein? Veins are clearly a very different color from tendons. If you have dark skin or your veins aren't that visible then I can understand a bit better. Like I said, I hope you're ok and you don't have to go through something like this again. Hope this doesn't stop you from donating blood again in the future. Try asking for a more experienced nurse next time. I believe you can do that in most places.

your so vein (joke, for any of you idiots that'll see it and immediately critique every part of this)


What a load of crap. She missed you vein prob cause your whiny arse was moving all around the place. Man up

tht happened to me except the nurse yelled at me to shut up.

Herropreez17 0

Dude your an ass. Its just some nurse that had no idea what she was doing. Not his fault. Personally I don't give blood for fear of having some inexperianced nurse like this poor guy did.

This is why I am deathly afraid of needles.

Darth_Taco 14

OH! Man, I hope you're ok. How the hell do you mistake a tendon for a vein? Veins are clearly a very different color from tendons. If you have dark skin or your veins aren't that visible then I can understand a bit better. Like I said, I hope you're ok and you don't have to go through something like this again. Hope this doesn't stop you from donating blood again in the future. Try asking for a more experienced nurse next time. I believe you can do that in most places.

You're retarded, they're very easily mistaken. Especially for an inexperienced person. The difeerence is that tendons are bigger, and brighter in color.

your so vein (joke, for any of you idiots that'll see it and immediately critique every part of this)

I feel your pain! I have very dep veins & quite often get treated like a pin cushion because some inexperienced nurse doesn't know how to take blood from me. FYL

theannak 7

You know legally they're only allowed to poke you like once or twice for each arm right?