By Forgotten - 06/09/2009 07:26 - United States

Today, I decided to visit my dad. I haven't seen him in a while so I wanted to give him another chance to be an actual dad to me. Apparently, getting drunk and getting it on with his girlfriend while I was there was more important than spending time with his daughter, who he hasn't seen in almost a year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 693
You deserved it 4 076

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow, to all those people saying they had a worse dad, get over it! this girl is obviously upset, and hearing there are worse dads our there is NOT going to make her feel better. her dad did a very rude, selfish, inappropriate thing, and she's hurt. sorry your dads suck, go get therapy! don't tell her "well atleast he's not a child molestor like mine" like...sorry your dad is, but she just showed us how upset she is over her own father! shut up about your own! make your own FML. jeez. you people are so rude and self centered!

She probably didn't just turn up out of the blue, she probably called him. And anyways, even if she did just turn up, what kind of a father would rather get drunk and **** his girlfriend rather than spend time with his daughter he rarely sees? A shit one. She has the right to "whine" in a situation like this. Her father doesn't have to "drop everything", but he should at least have the decency to hold off on the booze and sex while his daughter is there giving him another chance to be a real father.


Kira_fml 0

You sound like a ******* brat.

and you sound like damaged goods... who hurt you?

I am so sick of all these trolls constantly saying YDI or "you suck", or something of the like, to OPs who are obviously not in the wrong. Don't you have anything better to do than make everybody on the site hate your guts? Every time I see one of these stupid trolls, it makes me want to shove a barbed, three-pronged fishing hook up their ass and use it to suspend them from a high-speed industrial ceiling fan. As for the OP, don't take that shit. Never again expect your father to be anything more than a drunken, lascivious, contemptible asshole, and never visit him again. Women who continually hold out hopes that worthless men will change, whether they're a boyfriend or a father, deserve to be disappointed more and more the longer they expect it to happen. It may happen in movies, but real life never has a happy ending. Stop putting up with it and do everything in your power to never see him again. People always say family are more valuable then friends because you can pick and choose your friends, but you are stuck with your family. In my opinion, the ability to pick and choose your friends is why they are better than family. Your stuck with your family even if they're the worst excuses for people you could possibly imagine, but the friends you choose to have are, by definition, people you like.

ydi for thinking your dad wanted to be in your life when he clearly wanted nothing to do with you. obiviously you dind't learn your lesson the 1st few times he acted like this to you. lets how your love life is better.

-pat pat- Don't worry hun. My loser of a father is the same way, except he's too much of a loser to get laid. Trust me, it was nice of you to try, but your better off without him. Stay strong!

WTF? but you wrote your comments anyway???

this reminds me of the FML where the girl's father didn't call to let her know about his wedding. (yes, i am a sad little girl for remembering this). but like everyone on the other FML said, if he didn't care before he's probably not going to start caring now. forget that asshole and move on with your life. you have way better things to do than put up with this =]

Getting laid > daughter you never even wanted. Duh. :)