By Forgotten - 06/09/2009 07:26 - United States

Today, I decided to visit my dad. I haven't seen him in a while so I wanted to give him another chance to be an actual dad to me. Apparently, getting drunk and getting it on with his girlfriend while I was there was more important than spending time with his daughter, who he hasn't seen in almost a year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 693
You deserved it 4 076

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow, to all those people saying they had a worse dad, get over it! this girl is obviously upset, and hearing there are worse dads our there is NOT going to make her feel better. her dad did a very rude, selfish, inappropriate thing, and she's hurt. sorry your dads suck, go get therapy! don't tell her "well atleast he's not a child molestor like mine" like...sorry your dad is, but she just showed us how upset she is over her own father! shut up about your own! make your own FML. jeez. you people are so rude and self centered!

She probably didn't just turn up out of the blue, she probably called him. And anyways, even if she did just turn up, what kind of a father would rather get drunk and **** his girlfriend rather than spend time with his daughter he rarely sees? A shit one. She has the right to "whine" in a situation like this. Her father doesn't have to "drop everything", but he should at least have the decency to hold off on the booze and sex while his daughter is there giving him another chance to be a real father.


Off her hump? Her hump? Her lovely little lumps?

aww, thats horrible. its like that with me- only with my mom. u might as well give up and not talk to that douche. its just a waste of ur time

Stop being a pussy. My dad was like this, so I just moved out, why bother with such people. I don't see him anymore, and I really don't care.

Amysbodybetrayal 0

Your post reminds me of my dad. His dad left his three kids with his sister to raise and didn't bother seeing them. About the time my dad was 10 he figured out that his dad is a loser and refused to go see him anymore. He pretty much stopped talking to him until he got engaged to my mom, and even doing that was a mistake. OP, I'm sorry that your dad is a jerk who can't even spend one day thinking about anyone but himself. I suggest cutting your losses and staying away from him. Giving him more chances to screw up is only going to make it harder for you.

Stan: Parents can be pretty cruel sometimes dude. They get off on it.

sublime93 0

I love you and your south park references.

Hun, I haven't seen my dad in about 8 years. I still keep contact with him but I can tell he doesn't have any plans on seeing me one day. At least you got to see him and remember what he looks like.

Almost a year? Boo friggin hoo. Go another twelve with zero contact, then try to find him. Y'know, just to let him know that you're graduating... that you're getting married... that you're having his grandson... that his grandson is a year old... Then we'll talk about "giving another chance".

Stop expecting your dad to be a father and you won't be disappointed. Sorry he sucks, but move on. Any time you suffer from him from here on out is your fault. Move on.

You realize you have the ability to read the FMLs without clicking to the comments, don't you?