By Anonymous - 19/06/2016 20:06 - United States - Milwaukee

Today, I declared I was done with online dating after several disasters. My friend set me up with a friend of her husband's. Turns out he's one of the men who rejected me on the website. He laughed when he saw me and said, "Well, this is awkward" and left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 610
You deserved it 982

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's rude. There are still decent guys out there, don't lose hope op!

Jabroni_Cool 9

Don't give up there's some one for all of us


That is quite the awkward situation.

Being single doesn't have to suck! It's great! Being alone, however…

It just isn't fair -- I've been in your place plenty of times before, but now that I'm happily married, they won't leave me alone! Why do I mention this? We're truer to ourselves when we are not trying to make an impression, but ironically, it makes a much bigger impression. I noticed that everyone who is attracted to me seems to be drawn to the same few aspects of me -- my intense personality that doesn't quite fit anyone's mold, not being afraid to work for what I want, being able to make anyone feel valued as an individual, and manifesting all of this in the way I present myself (in other words, not trying to be beautiful in anyone else's way but mine). So is there something you find attractive about yourself that, in the past, others have been drawn to? I hope your answer is yes, and I hope that emphasizing those very best aspects of yourself takes you so many places in life and in love.

I don't know how you thought blind dates would be better than online least with online you can talk to them first.

Sorry I couldn't stop laughing... Your luck is just horrible!

Well what should he have done? Go through with the date for how many minutes to be nice enough although both knew they had no interest?

I hate to be that person, but do you ever think that maybe it's your fault?

Never tried before, but who knows what's coming next? I'm sure there is someone for you??

Huh....sounds like he was a jackass. I'd have at least stuck around for a while, even if i still was not feeling it.