By Ineedjustice03 - 25/03/2011 11:55 - Singapore
Same thing different taste
By ThisGuy775 - 19/09/2011 04:41 - United States
By loser - 09/05/2011 21:12 - United States
By Username - 23/06/2011 08:17 - United States
Marriage story
By collegekid - 17/05/2020 14:00
By armenta427 - 07/10/2009 04:12 - United States
By Annabelle - 05/07/2009 20:12 - United States
By disaster... - 20/05/2009 23:44 - United States
By Anonymous - 29/03/2013 05:37 - United States - Mariposa
Breaking news
By Anonymous - 22/12/2013 06:17 - United States - Roseville
By that was mine - 15/05/2015 22:26 - United States - Cherry Hill
Top comments
The fact that you feel you had to do that shows you that there is a reason for this divorce. One of them doesn't play fair.
Really? That is what you chose to comment about. Let's see: Your grammar sucks. Your name is incomplete. There are lots of other comments, so lots of new material there. Your comment doesn't add any value to this FML. All of the above are FACTS.
25 you go, dude! tell that bitch troll where it's at! macaroniiiiiiiiii
Make sure you take advantage of the 2 Christmases you should get
26. as a friend I'm warning you, I got banned for using that word.
:0 oh crap. what word? :0
damnalltheasshol - new material? You're worried about MATERIAL? I wasn't aware that this was a comedy show and that we were all hired for your amusement. Here's some new material - I bet you couldn't empty a boot full of shit even if the instructions were written on the heel. Why don't you go shove a grenade up your ass and see if you can fart the 1812 Overture. Do it now.
docbastard - that's the funniest thing I've ever read on fml, thanks for the laugh
oh shit that was pretty funny...some new material esta loco
Lmfao DocBastard, I love your comment
and you deserve it cuz your the idiot paying. it's not your problem it your parents problem. so make them pay for that decisions.
Yeah...don't do that. Your parents should pay *literally* for their own mistakes.
Punish your parents by NOT helping them out! Paybacks a b** ch!! :p They must have grounded you when you were younger for something so pass along the favor! :))
OP you have to be the biggest idiot for paying for their choice. if they can't handle being married then maybe they shouldn't have gotten it done in the first place.
Not really. But the parents might guilt us to death.
damn that's sucks.
Not really, since it's all a sham, they aren't getting divorced. They just want OP's money for the plane ticket to Tahiti, for that massive orgy they've been planning on going to for Years, but it got interrupted because of the birth of the abomination known as the OP. So it's all good.
two chirstmases if there lucky so in the long run will get your moneys worth
I would of showed them the finger and walked away..
96- OP doesnt fail. he/she could have been made to help pay for the divorce. its not their fault.
Well, were you the reason for it?
one coming from a heartless idio.
fyl. I hate pathetic parents that rely on their kids for money.
Do you burry your money? Try putting it in a bank account instead, it pays interest.
sorry mermaid man, but does it matter where OP keeps his/her money? either way she still paid for part of their divorce xD lol
banks don't give a **** about u. and if the states gets ther way and all the banks form into one national bank with 1 currency I'm sure the banks will rob everyone ****** blind. I leave my money in my safe next to my .45. best bank I cud ask for =P
124. good luck with that. ur ever in Edmonton Alberta u are welcome to try. hey all u gotta do is get past the 5 pitbulls, the .45, and what ever other goodies I have for the poor dumbass who trys to rob me Cus I will shoot u in Ur ****** face and laugh.
why would that be necessary??? in what situation?

Uh.. no you don't, that's not your problem
Parents should never involve their children in their marital problems. Sorry OP that you have to deal with that, it's not fair to you.