By weirdesout - 05/06/2010 02:03 - United States
Same thing different taste
Bizarre Love Triangle
By SalemSyfer - 25/01/2021 10:57 - Canada - Belleville
I don't need to see this
By Anonymous - 09/12/2020 06:32 - India - Kaul
By 13a5ic H1p5t3r - 15/08/2016 03:58 - United States - Spencer
By leeceetaylor99 - 15/07/2013 16:47 - United States - San Antonio
By billjoebob424 - 10/03/2016 00:01 - Canada
By Anonymous - 13/11/2010 23:00 - Canada
By gullible - 12/04/2014 16:01 - United States
The long game
By helpme - 03/05/2017 02:00
Love is love
By Anonymous - 05/04/2024 10:00 - Sierra Leone
By backstabbed - 29/10/2011 07:22 - Australia
Top comments
GAY lmao n first??? haha
Um, how did you find out exactly? That's what I wanna know
@1 : Well isn't that just a giant accomplishment?
ha ha ha ha!!!
Any suprise butt sex?
I'm with #12 that's funny lol and bro how did u just now find out?
well dis you deserv a kiss. if not, your life is still ****** :p
just slap that ******** across the mouth
Oh shit! You should punch him. lol
soooo that make ur bf, ur bf? :p
Unwanted sexual advances. Wouldn't that be sexual assualt? Especially since it's non-consensual.
So yeh like men do yeh? ^^^ Whoever can name where this comes from gets 5 points
Awh, you're his sleeping beauty ;)
59- Is that you, Rape? ^ Haha Rape! FML related pun! :)
Loren- Your new picture kind of scares me, not gonna lie :/
Ugh Ra not you too! Why do people have to say "no ****" everytime they compliament someone of the same sex? Are you people that insecure with your sexualities that you have to repeatedly reassure yourself and justify your "straightness" to others?
Haha no way Jessie . Do you happen to watch MeekaKitty on YouTube? She talked about the same exact thing today
That's creepy as hell. You better confront him and let him know if he does that again there will be some consequences and repercussions.
he probably blows you too. just sayin...
Ra- Sorry I didn't mean to snap at you :( Its more of a "straw that broke the camels back" kind of thing. I see people on here and in real life say it all the time. It's ridiculous. So sorry again bro, my bad Nylecroc- Nope never heard of her. Not a big YouTube fan myself though.
hopefully the OP's gay too, otherwise they might need a 'chat'..
I'm straight When I see your mom :O (ooooooh) No response to that eh?
Wow, Literally No responses in 10 minutes
nylecroc, do you watch YGOTAS?? with Joey it's never a surprise!!
Loren- Whaaaaaat? I don't get it :/
xD Think MILF Jessie
BeeHappy no I don't recall watching it. but have you seen Austin Powers! I'm watching it right now hahaha so funny!
Straight as in not gay or straight as in boner?
Jess, I have a confession. I've been cheating on you with at least 35 other women plus Sean and funyonboy.
Samantha! Oh my word! I'm appalled at you Sammykins. I really thought what we had was special :( *sob* Wait---Funyon boy? As in MY Landypoo?! WTF?!
lol we are all horrible cheaters. but Jess we do have something special! <33 :D
I want to kill every one of you
Fine Sam I don't mind sharing you with the others. But Landy is mine! Mine mine mine! Hahaha I sound like such a stalker right now! Rape- Read your last comment. It says, "Its me RAPED!" Haha :)
We have no lives O.o
Rape- Haha I know, I just saw that and I totally LOL'd so I thought I'd share. Why was your username RapeDungeon anyway? Kicks?
dude, u live in Texas, u can get burned at a stake 4 bein gay.
141- I meant people who say "no ****" I was addressing them in my comment. Rape- Aaah I see. What's Tosh.0? Or Tosh? Never heard of it.
(I'm going to play a Jess) Ok guys, just ignore my comment (was it good?)
Ohh kind of sounds like The Soup. Except that's like reality TV and stuff. I *heart* Joel McHale :))) (Hint: He's the host, in case anybody didn't know)
real cute :)
Haha shut up Loren! And no it was terrible. You'd never be able to pull off being me. You have to have lots of sarcasm, be over dramatic (*sob*), and add lots of cute smileys with multiple chins :)))) And in reference to your comment- Speak for yourself, I have a life! :)
Rape- Yay! I love The Soup! :)
Aiight since Lorens ignoring me, I'm out too. Goodnight fellow FMLers, goodnight Rape, goodnight Joel McHale (I Love You!). Not goodnight Loren :P PS. I'm gonna pull a Loren. Nightskiis! Teehee :)))
Fer realskiies?
this turned from a conversation about gay kissing to tosh.0 and the soup. well then, that was one interesting conversation!
Yeppers! Goodnight Pumpkin :)))
159- I've seen and created better ones Gnite Jess, guess it's just me :|
no 61 your the one who is hella fucken cute. I'm from northern California btw. that's why I said hella. we say that up here. where are u from ?
8 out of 10 dentists agree that you should now brush your teeth for over 9000 hours.
How did you find out? If he only dose it when you sleep then how do you know? it's like he would tell you he dose that.
180 we say 'wicked' in New England. snazzy huh?
op does live in Texas. he should be concerned but not suprised.
rofl, that sucks man :P
ok so if you guys are emo, that's hot! but if your not then it's a turn off. yuck but ok if I woke up to my best friend kissin me I wouldn't think of anything whether it was girl or boy I wouldn't care bc I do have 2 bestfriends 1 girl 1 boy. but really I think you should talk to him about it
what's the big deal? maybe you should try to return the favor;)
I kiss other guys nothing wrong with that
Haha ya, emos are hella sexy. Emo look-a-likes are still sexy. But if you guys aren't sexy.........uh that's really very unsexy. May I suggest moving to L.A. at this point.
No u can't, u ignorent ****... Dallas and Austin are full of gay people, Houston falls close behind them... Texas is rather gay friendly...
you have a stupid profile pic :D
wtf emo?
Thats just. Disgusting. Ew.
obviously he woke up 7!
haha. "Heyyy Bestfriend. (; "
r u sure he dosnt sleep-kiss?
hi! welcome to fml! u must be new here!
lmao umm well that's not awkward at all? aha did you wake up in the middle of it?
woah pretty lady
that's sick in so many ways..
Uhm, did you really just use emotive & hardcore music in the same sentence? At the core of that music is nothing but tears & rose petals. It's a kind of Punk Lite, like non-alcoholic beer. Tell me sir, what's hardcore about that music? What's so hardcore about what it has become? Is it because little girls like to lose their virginity to it?
sry ladies but it's a turnoff if they were both emo
phahaha that's sone funny shit!
That sucks bro.
oh so thats who bought my cherry lipstick yesterday. hey your bestfriend payed 15$ to kiss you with good lips so dont be mad
^^^ My Come-dar just went nuts I do believe we have a comedian in the house Let's give him a round of applause
I think it's cute too! :) BROMANCE
Haha I thought you meant cum-dar and I was like wow that'
Lol Jesse and people say that I have the sick mind xD
Haha Loren I know I have a sick mind. It's from years and years of being besties with my best friend. :P
Wow... Amber you probably get this a lot but you have the most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen. Very sexy
Awww how sweet. Dont act like you dont like it.
Speaking of cute, raisin88's picture is adorable! :3
That's not sweet, that's ****.
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anyway11- tard.
If you posting this on Fml is your attempt at making this seem any less ****, you still fail.
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayExactly!
Who said they were in the same bed? Maybe they just live together and the friend was coming into ops room, or op fell asleep on the couch or something. There are many ways that could happen without them sleeping in the same bed.
y were u guys in the same bed anyway?
youre hot
wtf this isnt the right one!!!
Ahahahahahaha! Fail, bro, creeper fail
#34 Gee, thanks. :/
never mind then on my ipod it says someone else nerdsgetmehot is hot
wait does that even make sense?
didnt think so...
just ignore 34 ok
anyways im going to bed and nerdsgetmehot is hot
Probably playing with yourself, creeper.
Wow random internet hate! Never seen that before. /sarcasm. If you're talking about MY Raleigh (cool guy, found waaay up there ^) Then you can STFU. He's a better person than you regardless of his sexual orientation. (Which I believe is heterosexual) You know why? Because he doesn't make jackass comments like you!
I dunno this is dumb. Why would anyone attack you RaRa? You're nice to everyone!
No no, you're just the right Goldilocks amount of nice. 20 is just a tool, so don't even worry about it. I would still be your friend even if you did enjoy kissing men while they slept. Lol I would discourage the sexual assault part, but still accept you :))
Anytime :)))) ^Those are my chins. Just fyi ;)
What does Chuck Norris' chin look like? I was referencing my quadruple chin, which you can clearly see in my picture :)
Mee too! Each additional parenthasis (sp?) is a chin. Implying that I have multiple :)))
Leave him alone. He seems really sweet. I'm backing him with you Jessie

sleep with your penis out
Awww how sweet. Dont act like you dont like it.