By Sam - 30/10/2008 14:51 - Canada

Today, I had a barbecue. My boss won't believe me tomorrow when I tell him that the main pages of his 2-months worth of work file helped make the best sausages I've ever cooked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 219
You deserved it 30 789

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mister_moops 0


0 3

I don't get it. Why would you barbecue paper?


xMooMoox 0

You had sex with a barbecue? Was it the grill or the food that came off of it? Afterward you had sex with sausages? Are you trying to come out to your boss? People I am joking, I am not a retard like this man clearly is.

no no no, food **** doesn't work like that.

You did a barbecue? Really? How is that possible... did you screw the sausages or something?

MissyWissyKach 0

today, i spent my day reading fmls. FML

OP is a real idiot. Using work documents for a bbq? Seriously?

Dumbass. You deserved it, and you deserve to get fired. Hopefully your boss has backup copies.

The 'that sucks' and the 'you deserved it' for this are exactly five votes apart. Jet

LOL...guys the reason he said "i did" a bbq is cos hes from Quebec, a french speaking province. when u translate i made a bbq from french to english, some ppl think it translates to "i did" ..its very quebecois

How is this anything but completely your fault? You had no right to make this event into an FML.

wow this is the worst FML ever because a majority of the people reading this didn't understand it. you suck.