By Sam - 30/10/2008 14:51 - Canada

Today, I had a barbecue. My boss won't believe me tomorrow when I tell him that the main pages of his 2-months worth of work file helped make the best sausages I've ever cooked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 219
You deserved it 30 789

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mister_moops 0


0 3

I don't get it. Why would you barbecue paper?


logogo85 0

guys it really simple, he used the papers by accident as fuel

at number 23.. i agree..people didnt get it. it was an accident.. that is exactly why op said his boss would not believe him. oh and op u are way dumb.

NeonRisk 0

I'm from Quebec and I'm not stupid ^ stupid bitch (:

Sounds more like revenge 2 me...oh and next time try using newspaper:)

xXBlackAceXx 0

why the fuc k would you start a fire with printer paper? wtf?! u cant afford fire wood and shit?

blinkingstarlet 15

you need kindling to start a fire. and you don't usually use firewood for a barbecue...

bigcountry77 0

You dont need kindling for charcoal. No reason what so ever to use paper

that chemically treated and bleached paper must have added some flavour to the sausage.

yeah guys the doing a barbecue joke gets old after a while

Hopefully, he made rough draft copies before typing it out on his typewriter. Oh wait...did you steal his computer too?

He should have a's not 1945. How the hell do you pick up (steal) his 2 month's work file without realizing it and then set it on fire. Someone is on autopilot.

bigcountry77 0

The best sausage you cooked? And you used paper as fuel? Must be a shitty cook then and for that, FYL