By takeitandrun - 17/10/2010 23:38 - United States

Today, I discovered that instead of being a harmless way to relax after a rough day, parking in an empty lot apparently means you are either dealing drugs or want to commit suicide. I was detained, my car was searched and I was grilled about my happiness. Great stress relief, eh? FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 556
You deserved it 3 499

takeitandrun tells us more.

takeitandrun 13

I'm OP, and not Canadian... nearish Denver, CO To be fair, it is a little suspicious and I understand that, but they seemed to already have their mind made up when they came to my window that I was up to something, even after I explained the situation. I have an hour+ commute between home and work and after an awful day at work and in general I needed a few minutes to chill out before making that drive. The lot was empty and out of anyone's way so I parked and was there maybe five minutes before the police pulled up. And to the questions - I did not consent to a search, one of the officers that arrived had a dog and when he took it around the outside of the car it hinted on the passenger side - nothing was in the car but I had a friend in the car the night before that has a medical marijuana card so the dog probably caught that scent. Something that I also explained to the officers. But that was enough to give them probable cause and so they searched my car, finding nothing. That all took probably twenty minutes and then they continued to question me for another twenty or so about if I was going to hurt myself and related things. It was pretty ridiculous, but at least they let me go.

Top comments

They cared enough about your mental health to not become a suicide statistic. I don't completely agree about how they went about it, but if it really was someone who was depressed then they might have saved a life instead of ticked someone off. It's not really an excuse to approach you with that attitude, but it sounds like they're just looking about for the public. Hope you found another way to de-stress once you got home OP

perdix 29

Very suspicious behavior, indeed! The cops were very worried when they found you weren't with some dude or your personal vibrator. And disappointed.


Unfortunately, you are correct. It's really time to push back for our liberties. No one deserved to be treated like a criminal for minding their own business.

Parking lots are public property dumbass. He was parked. Where cars are supposed to go.

friedpwnadge 25

I feel like there should be special places for people as stupid as you.

Jakers721 0

I hate when fmls end in a question. especially when it is a half-ass attempt to be humorously ironic.

I know my friend does that and walks the dog and sits in his black Tahoe and 5 cops rolled up on him . and he was on the phone with me .

that was entirely illegal, you should have been given a summons for trespassing at most

That's actually really nice of them to see if you were suicidal.

Since when did 'only Canadian's said eh' Americans these days.