By Anonymous - 27/12/2010 18:21 - United Kingdom
RebelBorn89 tells us more.
To every one that thinks i'm British, I'm not. I am an American military member serving in the UK
Top comments
The witch doesn't deserve you. You can do better and you will!
That sucks. I found out about a week ago that my husband had been cheating while deployed to Afghanistan. So it goes both ways.
she's definitely not worth it, dump her
you are an amazing person to service th military. thank you so much. you do no deserve that trash from someone like that. I hope you find someone better!!!! <3
That's not right, dump that bitch, you don't deserve being with her. Thank you for fighting for our country.
I don't give a crap what division of the military you are from. thank you for doing what you do. God bless the USMC, USAF, ARMY, and the NAVY. it takes one hell of a human to do what y'all do. Thank you.
To the people saying " Some girls just can't handle long distance relationships" These bitches that cheat know EXACTLY what they are signing up for when they date or marry a military man. There is no frigging excuse for this nastiness. Go to a **** shop and buy a vibrator if you can't manage to keep your pants on. Just plain selfish bullshit...suck it up and put your big girl panties on!!!!
That's ****** up that happen to my friend

that is messed up, your risking your life to keep us safe
Dump her, she is not worth it at all.