By FuckYou - 02/07/2012 06:07 - United States - Santa Maria
Same thing different taste
By Millie07 - 07/11/2024 16:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 12/02/2017 10:00 - United States - Princeton
No yolk
By eggonmiface - 01/07/2018 15:00
Caught in 4K
By BrutallyBlonde - 31/12/2009 00:03 - United States
By Eggs - 15/11/2013 05:00 - United States - Port Richey
By eggs - 28/02/2009 06:30 - Canada
By whatgoesaround - 15/08/2009 18:51 - United States
The Blob
By Anonymous - 16/11/2020 17:02 - Germany
By stairmaster - 05/04/2011 07:47
By JTinNJ - 27/08/2016 11:57 - United States - Parsippany
Top comments
Ahh, karma. A bitch indeed.
Fortunately, karma is only a bitch to bitches who deserve it.
She's the bitch.
Bitches be crazy.
Karma is not a bitch, it gives you exactly what you deserve.
OP, are you 5??
I had a friend named Karma. She changed her name cause everyone kept calling her a bitch. Now we say, 'Jenny's a bitch'. Cause she is. Plan=Backfired.
Finally karma actually teaches someone a lesson. I'm sure had op been successful in her master scheme, karma would have slapped her harder.
Karma's only a bitch if you actually believe in it. On a realistic note, just watch your step next time, and go slowly when carrying things.
I thought it sounded like she got eggxactly what she deserved.
Of course she deserved it. Egging an exs house sounds like something a middle schooler would do. Grow the heck up.
The irony of the sentence "grow the heck up" is killing me!
Karma's not the only bitch in this story..
57: Maturity is about behaviors, not words.
At least you weren't holding a knife :)
Did you land sunny side up or were you all scrambled? O.o
At least isn't the word I'd use. "Unfortunately" seems more fitting here...
Well. If she was holding a knife...he must have been a really horrible boyfriend.
karma forced you to egg your own house hahaha
82- she's saying that she kinda egged her own house because her staircase has eggs all over it. So she egged her own house.
I don't see why 4 got thumbed down, her comment is technically true.
Kharma's only a bitch if you are.
thats too funny and to true lol
Apparently adding "back to the cave" to any silly comment makes it not silly. Good to know.. *back to the cave*
Well that scrambled her plans.
I was gonna thumb your comment, but it was on 69 thumbs so I didn't want to spoil it. (:
Do people still find that 69 thumbs thing funny? I never have, I must be missing out on the grown up stuff. :(
Hahahhahahaha nice. Well imma go now * back to the cave *
well I think you're a bitch. I have no regrets. I embrace your thumbs down, fml community.
you have my thumbs up fo sho :D
You were going to egg a house? How old are you? Twelve?
Its not that complicated..
87- tswizz was referring to OP's maturity level, not the difficulty of the task.
I've fantasized about egging my ex's house but I wouldn't actually do it.... And he recently told me I was just something for him to stick his **** in. What did your ex do that you feel the need to be so childish? You can't feel hate for your exes no matter how they treated you. Hate is a strong feeling, just like love. It's better to not feel anything for them and move on. *preach mode off*
He needs something to stick his dick in? Give him this list: A blender A garbage disposal A meat grinder A transvestite hooker with chlamydia Lorina Bobitt's mouth A shredder A pencil sharpener A guillotine That one chick from 'Teeth' ...I'm outta ideas.
#149 Heh, for the strangest reason I thought of "Will it Blend?" :P That episode might be almost as entertaining as the glow stick one... Almost.
10- you're so original! Where did you come up with that one? (sarcasm)
heehee thats funny
insta-karma indeed. you're supposed to forget about him and move on, if he was a bad person karma will get him too
Wise words, child
11- Getting over an ex is easier said than done.

You definitely deserved it.
You were going to egg a house? How old are you? Twelve?