By ThisIsGonnaBeAwkward - 06/12/2011 15:36 - United States

Today, I discovered that the word 'randy' means 'horny' in England. I'm going to England next semester to study abroad. My name is Randy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 580
You deserved it 5 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

We aren't retarded. We use the word horny a lot more. Randy is a dying word over here.

Andr913 13

When I was in England, the name Lou seemed to be very popular. It has a little tinkle to it.


We aren't retarded. We use the word horny a lot more. Randy is a dying word over here.

808Boyo 4

I have a feeling they're gonna use it around him though.

But if it wasn't a dying word, at least they would always know where he stands emotionally.

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Whiskey makes you Frisky Brandy makes you Randy ........

People are going to resurrect it around op. The word will suddenly become popular around her.

jonan1212 5

You must be horny if you're going to study a broad! XD

I would give a thumbs up to this comment, but it's on 69 atm, and I don't wanna be the one to ruin that...

Tadeusz_fml 5

Haha, sorry but to most British people Randy does mean horny. Speaking of Randys, you know Randy Bumgardner basically sounds like 'horny butt-gardener' in British English.

AdamBasebal69 0

Ur a girl and ur name is Randy? U need to sit ur parents down and give them a serious talking

twistedlovex 0

Hmmm let's see no one ever called British retarded! She was just saying it sucks that her name means horny in a place shes going to have to spend a couple months in.

BikeAllDay818 6

We use the term "turned on" more than horny, what is this the 90's?


rockyraccoon28 8

116....a creepy old man said he was going to 'study a broad' while pointing at me when I was working one time...not one of my favorite memories

cc_the_beast 6

At least your name isn't Bollocks?

"Hey earl! Someone said Wednesday is hump day. I haven't seen any ladies here, so ill watch yer back if you watch mine!"

twistedlovex 0

Lol I made it 69 teehee I win :D

Georgieeporgiee 9

I didn't even know randy meant horny! Ahh' a few things make sense now...

That is totally legitimate. I would've done the same thing haha

Andr913 13

When I was in England, the name Lou seemed to be very popular. It has a little tinkle to it.

I wonder if OP's last name is Focker too xD

chaoticxxxmess 3

I look forward one day to meeting a Lou Brush. There must be one out there but she would have taken hell at school!

riceicle1 6

Lou = Short for Louise, perhaps Louis / Lewis (though I've never come across that) . It's just a nickname (again in most cases)

dont worry. most people dont even know what that the word 'randy' even exists

Erm... they might not use it much but I'm pretty sure most people in England know what randy means.

Nuclear_Ninja 6

I know a Randy at my school. He thinks he is smooth with the ladies, but in reality is a gay, as$hole, and a d!ck.

well in my country it means a prostitute but its pronounced much like randi

xk75 4

Surely "Randy" is short for Randolph or Randall or, eh....Rand-jemin or something! Go by your real name or at least pretend you have one.

Anyone else confused OP is female? Never quite encountered that before. That's like calling a boy Helen or something...

flockz 19
gabrielbaby 9

Or calling a guy Marian, it happens someone names are more effeminate, some are more masculine.

lottso88 4

I have a female friend that goes by Randy. Her name is Miranda! ^.^

shrdlu 28

I've known a few women who spelled their name "Randi."

Marion was originally a male name (see John Wayne) as was Leslie and Ashley among others. I knew two females legally named Randy. It's not common but not super rare, either. I worked with a man named Dick once. After the first day, it was old news. Act as if it doesn't bother you: introduce yourself without embarrassment and laugh off any small jokes before calmly moving on. It'll likely be no big deal. Just avoid the chavs.

53- if his name is Helendick wouldn't it be most likely that he would make his name Dick for short?

Steve95401 49

I have known a couple of female Randi's - with an "i". I just wish I knew more randy females.

Since It says op's a girl, I think it'd be Miranda. Don't worry op! Just have people use that! Or call you ran, because that sounds kind of cool too... Or whatever...

It means horny in America too, it's just hardly ever used.

CuteDumBlonde64 11
tehrealone 6

JR I know where all 3 of your comments are!!

JR & JB can call me Randy when I'm with em ; )

chocomilkshake 5

Where in America?? East Coast? I've never heard it over here....woah that austin powers movie suddenly makes a whole lotta sense.

ninjuh_wingman 29

God imagine how awkard the conversations are gonna be.

bobbycorwen 5

He doesn't have to imagine...he already knows everything...