By dazean - 15/11/2011 18:00 - United States
dazean tells us more.
In response to why didn't you buy/check/fix it yourself? Answer: I was saving for college, and know nothing about engines. I remembered that it had been broken before, and assumed she didn't have the money to have it fixed- as we were broke most of the time and could barely afford basic necessities.
Top comments
Ya could've gotten it out yourself 10 years ago
How're your arm muscles?
It's called buying your own!
dumbass. u had 10 years to "fix" it urself
Yeah no adds and that blows bro
thats such a bummer is m she really lazy?
That snowblows
Lol awe
sucks to suck?
That blows
I'm sorry, but why wouldn't you have checked if it worked yourself?