By ncjarhead - 24/04/2010 23:38 - United States

Today, I discovered the same erotic pictures my wife emailed to me while I was deployed were emailed to several other guys by her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 118
You deserved it 3 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, that's sad. What kind wife sends pics out to other guys while her husband is fighting a war? I hope you found out through checking the CC on the email, and not the hard way.

Well, make her famous. Send those pics to everyone.


I'm srry to hear that! you deserve better!

sorry to hear that, there is better. and you deserve it. goodluck.

i guess both of you are serving your country one way or another hehe get it? i made a funny

I was wondering who the was sending me those awsome emails!!!!

Today I sent my husband a few sexy pictures while he was deployed. I clicked 'send all' by accident and it sent the pictures to everyone else on my contacts. Now my husband thinks I'm a dirty *****. FML.

you are if all of his friends are on your contact list bitch

Ultimate_Cynic 0

OP deserves it for being naïve and/or stupid enough to trust a woman without having at least one good contingency plan in place.

morganiscool114 0

never ever ever would I do that to my hubby and he's not even my hubby he's leaving this summer don't worry op you'll find someone better girls love soldiers it'll be okay

I'm sorry. too many girls these days are unfaithful