By M1CHA3L_MY3RZ - 02/03/2016 01:22 - United States
M1CHA3L_MY3RZ tells us more.
yeah she apologized after I pulled my license out and proved it to her. then she just had this blank stare on her face. lmao I hear something about my name at least once a day, most the time it's stupid but there have been some good ones on occasion
Top comments
I would have associated it with the guy that plays Austin powers first. Lol
who the **** would press ydi on something like this? his name is unfortunate and he didnt choose it. why the h8 m8
Lmaoo that name is so awesome though!
You also have the same name as the guy who played Austin powers. :p
My grandfather owned a race car and his driver's name was Tim Allen.
Isnt that the voice in shrek
Your parents are awesome
<p>What does it matter, what your name is? What if you'd simply wanted to give anonymously? Cashier needs to get a grip...</p>
I don't understand what was so disgusting ? I'd have been fired from my job if I insulted the name of a customer.
that's a killer name!