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By meesh22 - 06/10/2009 04:16 - United States

Today, I received an email from my professor informing me that if I missed another class, I'd be dropped from the course. I have field experience to complete tomorrow as part of my major. I emailed her two weeks ago to let her know, and we're excused by the dean. She doesn't care. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 099
You deserved it 7 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've encountered similar situations before. Your professor can't drop you from the class, or penalize your grade, for an excused absence. Speak with someone higher up, such as the Dean. Professors can't rewrite the rules.

Your professor will care when you bring it to the dean's attention that a professor is going against him/her. The professor has the right to do what they want especially if it's stated in the syllabus but if you have permission from the dean...dean trumps professor.


You were excused by the dean, your teacher is a douchebag. Not an FML.

Josher47 0

That's exactly why it isn't. Deans > professors. It doesn't matter if the professor cares.

Yeah, even if the professor says nay, the dean says f*** you, shes in.

The FML is the hassle OP will have to go through in getting the dean to interfere. Even if this does go in her favor, she's going to have a hard time for the rest of the class. It's kind of like a job where you haven't done anything bad enough to be fired, but you pissed off the manager somehow; they start to look for reasons to fire you. 2 minutes late one day? Gone. It might end up the same way, if the teacher really is this big of a douche. She'll start nitpicking the **** out of OP's assignments and make it much more difficult to pass the class. So, coming from a college student who has been there, OP, FYL.

birds_fml 7

Maybe if the OP hadn't been skipping class so much, this one excused absence would be okay. It's like if you get 3 sick days at your job, and use all 3 to go out with your friends, and then one day you really ARE sick but you've used up all your sick days on stupid stuff. Too bad, so sad. Maybe when you have to retake this course, you'll think twice before skipping class. YDI

How do you know she was skipping classes? Her sick days very well could been used for... I don't know, sickness. Maybe she had some other kind of emergency. There's no way of really knowing since the FML doesn't mention it, but in the mean time, try to avoid saying that someone deserves something based on an assumption.

Hah, I've been in college for six years and I've never had a professor who took attendance. Yay physics.

well maybe you shouldn't have skipped so many classes to begin with.

2345_fml 0

Go talk to the dean about what the teacher is doing. If that teacher doesnt want to be fired she will change her mind. My older brother had this same thing happen where the teacher didnt care what the dean said but quickly changed her mind when the dead called her into his office. The Dean's best interest will always be the students and not the teachers.

She obviously kept skipping classes. Stop ditching class. YDI

I've encountered similar situations before. Your professor can't drop you from the class, or penalize your grade, for an excused absence. Speak with someone higher up, such as the Dean. Professors can't rewrite the rules.

At many schools, profs can do administrative drops, meaning they can drop a student without the student's agreement. If you miss too many classes, the prof can do an administrative drop. Depending on the Dean, complaints may or may not help. Some Deans instantly take the students' side, some instantly take the faculty's side, and a few actually get all the information before making a decision.

blland 0

so what do you reckon? prof drops student, dean puts student record back on? prof sees student back on, immediately drops student again? the prof has to stop at some point and think "why isn't it working"

I say get that bitch fired if she tries to drop you

yeah, because we all know dropping someone is "totally illegal", we dont know any of the other factors here, how many times has he missed class before, does he even have a chance of passing?

2345_fml 0

The OP already got the Dean's approval so he/she will take the student's side. College doesnt have mandatory attendance like middle school and high school. They dont care how much you go to class or not.

Stiggy626 25

Yeah that's actually illegal if you're excused

Your professor will care when you bring it to the dean's attention that a professor is going against him/her. The professor has the right to do what they want especially if it's stated in the syllabus but if you have permission from the dean...dean trumps professor.

Welcome to the world of academics . . . most of them (there are always the anomalies) believe that the world revolves around them . . . if you havent found a way around them yet, I suggest you do and soon!!

ydi.... its impossible for your professor to drop you with one absence. im sure you have had a number of absences which eventually led to her decision.

"FIELD EXPERIENCE" "EMAILED HER TWO WEEKS AGO" maybe you should read it again.

If the OP's been completing field experience all semester for her major, then it's reasonable to think she would have talked to her professor and gotten cleared BEFORE the semester was halfway through. Although she got permission from her dean and let her know about this absence, if the OP had been missing classes throughout the semester that weren't excused, then they totally deserve it.

This does imply that you've missed several other classes previous to this, so it is understandable that the professor would be running out of patience at this point. Yes, this absence may be excused, but what about the others? Just saying...

wellinever 5

Agreed. This absence may be excusable, but what about all the others that got you into this mess? Do you want the Dean to examine those too? YDI.

I_Wanna_Lol 0

That's sh!tty. Talk to the Dean or someone, because that's just stupid.

natalie1215 0

You can't be dropped from the class if you were excused by the dean, but why were you absent the other times? Were those excused?

Kyeno 0

YDI for complaining about your prof. being pissed at how many classes you missed prior to the excused. I'd be booting you from my class too. you obviously don't want to be there, give your seat to someone who does.