By nozVail - 20/11/2015 23:52 - United States

Today, I drove to my cousin's house so he could help me fix my broken tail light. On the way there, I got pulled over for having a broken tail light. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 393
You deserved it 3 741

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TomeDr 24

If you got anything, it should have been a fix-it ticket. Repair it and show the local police, they sign off on it and everything's ok. No fine. No points.

nityasomaiya 46

You should have told him so, they usually believe me in such cases. #perksoflivinginIndia


nityasomaiya 46

You should have told him so, they usually believe me in such cases. #perksoflivinginIndia

WordBea 23

This is the dumbest advise I've read all day. If OP's friend drove him they still would've gotten pulled over? And if they drove another car then how would his car get there to be fixed..?

What #2 was trying to say was have the cousin drive to where OP lives to help OP fix the tail light. No need to drive the defective vehicle this way therefore no ticket. Of course the cousin might not drive or have a car...

Would've been a better outcome if he came to you

Maybe OP's cousin had tools or a shop in their garage and it would be too hard to transport it all.

usually shouldnt need much for a tail light

I wish. tail lights on some vehicles like my mothers SUV require removing parts of the bumper and the internal plastic panels to repair the damn tail light.

Did you explain it to the officer, they'll usually just let you go if you're on your way to fix it, but then again, you might have gotten a dick cop to pull you over.

That sucks. I once got pulled over because a cop nearly hit me.

I was pulled over once for going 37 mph is a 40 mph zone because it was "suspicious".

I got pulled over once not even two minutes after leaving my house for "speeding." Turns out, they didn't see the speed limit changed but I still got a warning.

My brother got pulled over once for having a cracked windshield. They let him off with a warning and said he needed to replace it within 5 days. 3 months later and he didn't replace it, or even get ticketed.

You should've said something, YDI for not

TomeDr 24

If you got anything, it should have been a fix-it ticket. Repair it and show the local police, they sign off on it and everything's ok. No fine. No points.