By Noname - 20/02/2009 23:42 - United States

Today, I drunk dialed my mom and told her I was so high and drunk that I thought the KGB was coming after me. When I woke up this morning, my mom told me that she's no longer paying for college. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 431
You deserved it 125 048

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For those of you who think the mother was "wrong" to do that: It's her money. She has no obligation to pay, and if I found out that this lousy behavior and irresponsibility was happening on my funds, you bet he'd get no more funding. Totally deserved.

Kisharu 0

Wow. That's GOTTA suck. But, that's what happens when you use weed.


Sucks to be you, maybe you would have spent your time more wisely if you had been paying for college yourself and not wasting it being like every other teenage idiot. So ungrateful, not everyone has a mommy or daddy to pay their way thru college so they can just **** around.

Why would you insensitive ***** say YDI? People ******* drink and smoke in college, and his mom should know that. And sense she was still paying prior to this incident I assume he was getting his work done, and that's all that matters. Sorry op, hopefully you bitch mom comes around, fyl.