By ForeverAlone - 09/05/2015 15:53 - Korea, Republic of - Seoul

Today, I emotionally confessed to the guy I like. His English isn't that good, so he asked me to repeat it several times. He ended up telling me no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 935
You deserved it 3 080

Same thing different taste

Top comments

powerkicker 13

Well, at least you tried...and tried, and tried, and tried....

Love may be blind but I guess not bilingual


Well I can't say for sure as OP has not given her ancestry but as she tried to tell him in English I'm guessing she is not Korean, some families over there are really crazy about only marring "there own" I know this from personal experience as a Vietnamese girl I liked in college couldn't get her families permission to date me.

Could you please repeat that?? Haha, that must have been awkward for you

Love is blind, love cannot speak properly as well

ranger2867 16

You should of learned it in the language he speaks that would of been cute I would say yes because it shows commitment. I hope you get better with him best of luck!

You should have just kissed him. That's a universal sign, if he didn't understand what you were trying to say.

In some countries, "confessing" is a person declaring their crush on another.

That's sad because I'm currently dating a guy from 10th grade who I told that I liked him or had a crush on him. In a few months it's our 7 year anniversary! (So lucky)