By anon - 12/10/2010 21:52 - United States

Today, I fainted because of a condition I have. My husband, who was standing right there, failed to catch me because he didn't want to drop his yogurt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 190
You deserved it 4 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

deformedsurf 0

Men shouldn't be eating yogurt anyway. He should be eating platefuls of bacon. That's the only excuse to let you fall, massive amounts of bacon!


maybe the yogurt was protecting him from fainting too

ydi for being selfish and self absorbed. wow, he didn't catch you, what is he, superman? Get over yourself

Seriously?! She has a CONDITION and SHES a selfish bitch?! Go crawl back under your rock you moron

maybe he didn't want to catch you because you are a fatass? go eat some yogurt.

What a rude bitch you are. You have NO IDEA if OP is fat or not. STFU

Wow everyones really gonna call her a Bitch for having a condition? Not her fault for fainting, so how is she selfish? Yea he prolly wouldn't have caught op in time before he realized what was going on, but that doesn't make her selfish.

Priorities. That's always the important thing. Priorities.