By anon - 12/10/2010 21:52 - United States

Today, I fainted because of a condition I have. My husband, who was standing right there, failed to catch me because he didn't want to drop his yogurt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 190
You deserved it 4 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

deformedsurf 0

Men shouldn't be eating yogurt anyway. He should be eating platefuls of bacon. That's the only excuse to let you fall, massive amounts of bacon!


Next time wait till he finishes his yogurt then do your thing!

imright24 0

Just because he's standing there, doesn't mean he knew what was happening in time to catch you. And I doubt he said he couldn't catch you because of the yogurt. That's your reasoning trying to make him look like an ass. YDI next time just for that.

idk what's funnier: the actual fml or the comments xP

suckmyassitsmell 0

If you've fallen and you can't get up, you need life alert. Not a new husband. So stop your bitchin and do what needs to be done.

amazinemo578 4

well, that's $1.29 worth of yougurt

Well was it Greek Gods yogurt? Can't blame him if it was... just kidding. It probably happened too fast for him to react so stop being so whiny.