By Sleepy - 04/07/2009 15:24 - United States

Today, I fell asleep while lifeguarding, thinking I could get away with it due to my sunglasses. When I woke up, I saw my boss waving at me. Apparently she'd been trying to get my attention for five minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 567
You deserved it 69 993

Same thing different taste


Yep, I wonder, do you think you can sleep while doing surgery?

hahaha i love this! bravo for the great comparison :)

YOU DESERVE IT !!!!!!!!!@#!@#@!1212312Oneoenoneo1nonowtwo12!@!#@!@#!@

how this could be anything but a ydi i dunno... afterall someone could've gotten in trouble in the water while napping. Not like you were doing it at a job no one could die or get injured at while you nap. Hope you got fired!

Oihana_fml 22

going a little overboard there, huh? (oops. this was meant to be a reply to 12)

ToonAddict 0

Epic YDI. If you're sitting on a lifeguard stand and get sleepy, you either jump in the pool, call whoever's on break to get you coffee, and get more sleep. Speaking as another pissed off lifeguard. We're paid to be alert and attentive because FYI: THE SHALLOW END IS WHERE ALL THE ACCIDENTS HAPPEN!!

comadank 0


Responsibility fail. You endangered the lives of others, so I say YDI!

dude did you actually think someone would give you sympathy? now thats the FYL

You're lucky you aren't being sued. YDI.

YDI! How stupid can you be?! What if somebody had drowned?! It's your job to be alert & watching out.

so_me_fml 0

Ok, I agree with everyone, you deserved it, but I will say, I did that once and now there's a pic on FB of me asleep in the lifeguard stand! There was no one in the pool, but no one believes me, ha, so, sleeping in the stand will always come back to haunt you!!!