By earths_venus - 26/08/2010 12:49 - Australia
Earths_Venus tells us more.
Yeah I just got back from Emergency and I'll be off my feet for 2 days. My manager is a funny bastard, he heard me say that to someone else a few days before and decided to use it on me. He did end up helping me to my car and getting me an ice pack. No, I didn't get a tip from that asshole.
Top comments
yours managers right suck it up wat the f would u do if u got yur leg cut off in war huh
I suggest you do what #46 said!(;
tip : learn to walk
dunno about you, but i fall down the stairs every time. i'm just that talented. in fact, i'm so good, i even fall up them sometimes. |the kid|
I always get well quicker when someone winces when I get hurt.
Oh and sue the pizza. I'm sorry op, fyl