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By Anonymous - 18/08/2010 19:20 - United Kingdom

Today, I fell down the stairs while reading the 'mind your step' sign. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 515
You deserved it 14 642

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should; you're a female. You should also love cooky and cleany.

Whenever one of my old boyfriends and I would go to a mall with a Gap store, he'd throw himself across the floor into the store and yell, "Help! I fell into the Gap!" I'd always lmao. >.< Yep, we were both pretty big losers. :D


haha Mann that suxx!.... for you! (x

rubyroborr 0

were the stairs carpet or concrete? it matters :P

HaxivX 0

mind your step..........……...................... m did you mind your step?

JayMorales 0

134 that's a lousy way to try and pick up a girl. at least put a little thought into it.. hey # 2, you know what else is funny? you look exactly like my next girlfriend. ;)

That mite have been lame but it was kinda cute

One time I almost tripped over a 'Wet Floor' sign....Just thought I'd let you know...

QBortega 0

pathetic, perfect example of irony.. ha! op is a dumbass

cowboys suck!!! but I hate the eagles... sooo.... Go Cowboys!!! haha

Dont go hating on the Cowboys. Altho i will agree that the Eagles suck