By Anonymous - 05/02/2011 09:01 - United Kingdom

Today, I fell over a wet floor sign warning you not to fall over. The irony hurt more than the fall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 968
You deserved it 9 595

Same thing different taste

Top comments

But what hurt the most was when the video of the fall, titled "Check out this moron!" went viral on YouTube.

Awwh.. irony always gets the best of people.


Awwh.. irony always gets the best of people.

u stupid cow. u shud sue them for not having a sign there warning u of danger.

Was there supposed to be a warning sign warning of the warning sign?

FYLDeep 25

Well if they put out another sign warning you about the "Wet Floor" sign, then you would probably trip over that as well. What do you suggest they do, Mrs. "I'm the idiot everyone's always proofing things for"?

UpsidedownKayak 9

Just when you think you have it fully idiot proof, Anonymous proves you wrong. Congratulations, OP, you're an inspiration to klutzes everywhere because there is someone out there worse than them.

But what hurt the most was when the video of the fall, titled "Check out this moron!" went viral on YouTube.

Aww, that sucks. But, you should of seen the sign :/

Why boners, you aren't becoming a...Grammar Nazi?!? *gasp*

Do you close your eyes driving around "blind curves"?

mintcar 9

I slipped and fell in the food court at the mall a few weeks ago. There was absolutely no sign warming me about the slippery floor. Security guard asked me if I wanted to file a complaint but I said no and continued to eat lunch with my friends. For several minutes, I could still hear people laughing about what happened. Haha. One of the most embarrassing moments of my life. In your case OP, YDI. -_-