By Deciduous - 28/10/2018 22:00 - Australia - Gungahlin

Today, I felt an itch on the small toe of my right foot and brushed away what I thought was a large flake of dry skin without thinking. Turns out my entire toenail fell off. According to my mother, the same thing occasionally happens to her "for no apparent reason". FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 937
You deserved it 175

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I think everybody whose toenail is just falling off for no apparent reason should be checked for diabetes and heart disease, among other things, before they end up in the ICU "for no apparent reason".

Mother knows best, but you should still maybe talk to a doctor.


Jaellynthecursed 9

That happened to me too. Just once and years ago.

Mathalamus 24

It's common for toenails to just.. fall off?

It’s not nearly as scary as it sounds. For me I have very very small nails on my pinky toe. Like they are only attached by about a millimeter of skin and my toe is slightly turned out. Constantly being on my feet for work can cause my nail to rub against my sock and shoe which causes the nail to come off. It doesn’t hurt and it grows back like a normal nail.

Mother knows best, but you should still maybe talk to a doctor.

Yeah actually that happens to me every few years i'd say. My big toe nail has fallen off twice now and the pinky toenail once. It grows back. No idea why it happens but it happens. You'll live.

I think everybody whose toenail is just falling off for no apparent reason should be checked for diabetes and heart disease, among other things, before they end up in the ICU "for no apparent reason".

I can pull both my pinkie toenails right off. They grow back, no big deal.