By hellpop - 24/05/2015 13:19 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I felt pretty. As I deal with a severe anxiety and depression, I was proud of myself. All until a little girl asked: "Are you a boy or a girl?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 769
You deserved it 3 398

hellpop tells us more.

Hey, OP here! c I just wanted to quickly clarify, I did not expect this to be published I was having a pretty bad day and out of needing to vent so I posted the most recent event. I am a cis female, not transgender. However I have polycystic ovarian disorder and I deal with hair growing in places such as my face which is why I believe the girl asked as I hadn't shaved that day... For me, the testosterone I have really effects my confidence so this did knock me back a little bit but thankfully I have very supportive friends and wonderful boyfriend who tell me not to worry so much. c: Thank you for all the positive feedback and comments, it really helps.

Top comments

Hey, it's just a little kid. I'm sure you looked perfect today op!

#102 Shaving doesn't make your hair grow back thicker, it's just a myth.


I do have to wonder though why you would post on this sight if you have depression... either you get your fears that your life sucks validated or people tell you that you deserved whatever happened to you... either way hope you're doing okay OP

rhirhi923 23

I don't have this disorder but I do have really bad facial hair sometimes (I'm a girl) and I have really bad acne but tried hair removal anyways and the laser hair removal people are suggesting was so painful I had to quit treatment. so if you have bad acne I suggest against it...

gavanator127 8

I’m sorry, as a trans girl, I totally know how you feel.