By hellpop - 24/05/2015 13:19 - United Kingdom - London
hellpop tells us more.
Hey, OP here! c I just wanted to quickly clarify, I did not expect this to be published I was having a pretty bad day and out of needing to vent so I posted the most recent event. I am a cis female, not transgender. However I have polycystic ovarian disorder and I deal with hair growing in places such as my face which is why I believe the girl asked as I hadn't shaved that day... For me, the testosterone I have really effects my confidence so this did knock me back a little bit but thankfully I have very supportive friends and wonderful boyfriend who tell me not to worry so much. c: Thank you for all the positive feedback and comments, it really helps.
Top comments
Better to ask then assume but that's more for if you're friends not complete strangers.
Kids are way too honest lol don't pay attention
Hi love. As I deal with those things as well, I would like you to know that I am here for you. Anything you need I'll be here, keep your head up gorgeous.
You know, its perfectly possible the little girl was asking EVERYBODY the same question. We're not born knowing the difference. Then we start to find it intriguing, and approach it with all the guilelessness a small child can muster. #100 said it well. You having PCOS has led you to assume that this was why the child asked. Maybe. Or maybe it had nothing to do with it. Your struggle with the impacts of PCOS is more than enough to deal with. If you assume the comment was NOT related to your PCOS then it just becomes an amusing example of "Kids say the darnedest things." Don't let it blight the rest of your world.
Is that girl professor oak or something?
well...which is it?
Don't worry about it OP!! I think that guys are getting to look more and more like women anyway. I'm sure no matter what you are pretty ^.^
A couple of girls once yelled at me if I was gay. I guess wearing a hoodie made them think that. I just snickered and kept on going since it didn't really bother me. Don't take it too much to heart, OP. It's nice that you have people around you who can cheer you up. With depression it's really helpful to find something that makes you laugh or even smile a little everyday.
Hey, don't feel bad! Sometimes, a pretty face can look genderless and look beautiful on both girls and boys! The fact she asked what gender you are, doesn't mean you're not cute! :)

Hey, it's just a little kid. I'm sure you looked perfect today op!
#102 Shaving doesn't make your hair grow back thicker, it's just a myth.