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By Anonymous - 14/05/2016 10:34 - United States - Lubbock

Today, I found an injured rabbit by the side of the road. I was about to take it to the local vet, when my husband picked it up and casually snapped its neck. "No rabbit's worth my money" he said, forgetting that he's been a jobless moocher for over 3 years. Pass me the goddamn divorce papers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 954
You deserved it 2 641

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No need for divorce papers. Just throw him into a sarlacc pit. World: improved.

The big difference is that he didn't do it out of mercy, but selfishness and with a clear lack of empathy. And if the vet couldn't take care of it they probably would've called a wildlife rehab place.


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They said injured they said nothing about it being severely injured

The big difference is that he didn't do it out of mercy, but selfishness and with a clear lack of empathy. And if the vet couldn't take care of it they probably would've called a wildlife rehab place.

LyingBlood 8

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74- Would've meant a lot to that rabbit.

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acerredrum 23

78 is a psychic vet, able to see the state of an animal from across the country and diagnose it with a thought. Was it a vet that just had an injured foot? I'm not sure, lets ask 78.

"He saved them money"? It's not his money to save, worthless lazy douchenugget. He'll get what's coming to him eventually. Hopefully a divorce and a nice eviction.

74, actually in a month are only born about 10 rabbits...if it is only one female pregnant

LyingBlood 8

really? my wannabe vet friend said hundreds of rabbits are born a month between a male and female. guess I need to tell her she is wrong. but either way. it would have died from an injury. rabbits have weak Constitutions

#148 The keyword is wannabe. Unless they're a medically certified vet their word is nothing different from Joe shmoe or Suzy Q up the road.

148- You can't sprinkle punctuation throughout a comment. That's not how English works...

We do not have the whole story. They may have been fighting for months about other stuff and this pushed OP over the edge. I hate to tell anyone who says "take it to the vet" this but the vet will put it down - 100% guaranteed. They will do the same for stray cats and dogs. Even if OP footed the bill, unfortunately... they can't put it up for adoption because it's wild. Unless OP adopted it, it was dying either way. That's the reality of it all. OP framed what he said with a lot of personal information and it makes him look worse. If this post read "Today, my husband saw an injured rabbit on the side of the road and snapped it's neck instead of taking it to the vet to get put down" a lot of you would think differently.

Sandman2015 12

He sounds like a ******* sociopath. Divorce, change your name and move to another state.

No need for divorce papers. Just throw him into a sarlacc pit. World: improved.

Whilst I generally don't condone murder, this seems like a quite appriopritate method.

Heartless and lazy? Time to make him your EX-husband.

3 years?! I know times are tough, but has he even been trying?

everton99 16

They're in Texas, it's a lot easier to find a job here than anywhere else. I've had plenty of job opportunities and I'm only 21.

Make sure you're dressed in a rabbit costume when you do snap his neck though.

What the **** is wrong with you. I hope you are vegetarian to hate people who kill animals this much.

ericanicole1 12

Uh you can have sympathy for animals and not be vegetarian ? Not suggesting the guy should get killed but also that's not ok for him to have done that

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jaredofmo 22

Three years. If you can't find a job in that time, you really aren't trying. Most people would be happy to take a fast food or janitor position at minimum wage these days vs. making no money at all.

Unfortunately I know of a few people who will refuse jobs they consider below them. They also happen to only have a high school diploma, if yeah. Some people are very entitled unfortunately.

Actually, most lower end jobs won't TAKE you if you're overqualified. I had to take my college degree OFF my application to get Target to call me back. That said, him talking about "my money" when he hasn't been working is still bullshit. But the "unemployed for three years" part is amazingly the only thing about this story that doesn't (automatically at least) make him a useless fuckweasel.

Also some of us can't work jobs that require extended periods standing or moving heavy stuff due to permanent injuries.

Exactly, 84. No doubt OP has been contemplating divorce for a long time and it was this incident that made her say say, "Yep. I am so done with this bullshit."

Don't be so quick to judge in the job department. Location matters a lot there. It took me six years of actively applying and trying before I got one. And that was applying for whatever I good get, no being picky involved.

He casually snapped this rabbits neck. Make sure you get a restraining order to go with those divorce papers.

crazyindynathan 13

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delfino1604 24

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Animal cruelty is an indicator of serious mental disorders. Also if being a psychopath.

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acerredrum 23

Killing an animal for food is one thing, snapping the neck of the animal your wife is planning on saving while she watches because you don't want her wasting 'your' money when you haven't worked in three years is an entirely different thing.

anlong93 9

Worse, he was CASUALLY snapping the rabbit's neck. I'm surprised he didn't just toss it aside afterward, too, while asking OP what she was making for dinner.

Mathalamus 24

Well. That shocked the hell out of me. Run away. Divorce him. Probably should make sure he is observed, because that is just wrong...

TheSiraffe 16

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Yeah dogs live approximately 12 years and humans approximately 69 but hey let's kill them too since they're gonna die eventually anyways!

TheSiraffe 16

Okay but dogs are useful. And humans are productive. That rabbit was also a wild animal.

rldostie 19

Some rabbits can be useful, some dogs aren't, and some people aren't productive at all. The second we decide to be okay with exterminating based on "usefulness" is the second we start sliding down a slippery slope.

JohnTheDonJuan 11

It's called population control... It's why we have hunting seasons, so we can stop wild animals from over-reproducing and infesting an area. Think whatever you'd like about it, but it's necessary. Unless you'd like to roadkill deer and rabbit and alot of other animals constantly.

Yeah, the thing about population control? You should need a license to do it. I understand some states don't - which just allows the budding psychopaths like the OP's husband to practice their cruelty on animals before they graduate onto humans.

itssnotfunny 24

I'll say that rabbits can accomplish more in a lifetime than he can in.. well 3 years