By Robert - 01/01/2018 19:00
Same thing different taste
You what now?
By aldfgadfklbg - 13/03/2011 23:08 - United States
By EllieS9311 - 16/02/2016 13:16 - United States - Montevallo
By Anonymous - 08/08/2014 23:25 - Sweden - Sundsvall
Occam's razor
By Anonymous - 23/05/2023 15:00
By anon - 18/01/2016 18:53
By the fuck? - 05/03/2016 09:49 - Australia - Hawthorn
By seizuregirl17 - 19/11/2013 15:00 - United States - Boston
By scared - 17/03/2015 21:35 - Australia - Brisbane
Toxic workplace
By Anonymous - 05/12/2021 08:01
By space_cadet90818 - 08/03/2010 00:16 - United States
Top comments
... How the **** did your mom not get reported to Child Protective Services for medical neglect or at LEAST child endangerment? She could have bloody well killed you, and the fact you've had one seizure in public means you almost certainly have had others. And it's hard to imagine at least SOME of them would have occurred during school, which should have had you taken to the infirmary and quite likely the hospital! Was everyone around you that should have protected you from your crazy ass mother so stupid as to believe her accusations, or were they too lazy to give a ****? I'm glad you've got medicine to keep the seizures more controlled, OP. I do strongly suggest keeping them on you at all times so your mom can't throw them away with the "logic" that you don't need them because you are faking. Hell, it sounds like your mother would benefit from some medicine of her own- more specifically, maybe some antipsychotics would drag her head out of the clouds and back down to reality. Hopefully BEFORE she starts doing something even more dangerous.
Unfortunately, there's no medication that cures stupidity, which is what OP's mom seems to suffer from.
I hope the ref called her out on what a terrible parent she is.
So sorry OP. My now ex-wife was the same way as your mother. and I endured a broken neck and a fractured back in seizures in 2002 and 2005. She asked for a divorce the day i was diagnosed as epileptic. Take your meds, follow your docs directions and before you know it you will be doing so much better. I am entering my 15th month on my anti-convulsives and am almost 5 months seizure free.
I hope you continue to live seizure free. I’m very sorry to hear about how terrible the last little bit has been. Sending you good vibes ✌?
You’d ex-wife is a ****, plain and simple. But congratulations on doing better - you certainly deserve it!
to the three who replied to me. Thank you. It is not very often I get positive comments from people when I talk about my neurological problems. It makes me feel good that people who have no idea who i am wish for me to be well. I never get it from my family and my friends all vanished with the ex (guess they all think that it is transmittable like STDs) peace and prosperity to all in the new year. :)
Well you know those sketchy players who’ve been faking seizures since childhood just to throw a game off... Makes it hard to trust people. It’s almost as bad as those gay guys who keep pretending to have straight boyfriends.
ok but that's OP's MUM How's that an excuse for her? (and for everybody else, btw. So, some people fake a medical condition, so we never treat anybody anymore, worst case is they die, but haha, you know, can't trust people)
What in the ******* hell is wrong with her?!?!?! I've had epilepsy since I was 9 and I can't even imagine my parents doing that shit to me. You could've died due to her stupidity! I'm glad you finally got meds to help you and hopefully your seizures get under control soon. I agree with one of the previous users. Keep your meds on our at all times. If she's crazy enough to not get you proper medical treatment who knows what she'd try to do with your meds.
What the hell is wrong with your mom? I hope someone reports her to CPS; she's literally endangering your health and maybe your life.
You know what they say, fake it til you make it.
I'm sorry, but there are a lot different kind of seizures. When I started to get epileptic seizures, when I was 16, I didn't know and nobody around me knew. For months everyone thought I had concentration issues and just did not pay attention. Even my parents did not believe me, until my aunt (who works in health care) saw me having a seizure. When my mother took me to the doctor she did not believe me and my mother got into a big fight with her until the doctor agreed to test me. That nobody including my mother did not believe me for nearly a year does not make her a bad mother, she just did not know anything about seizures. I hope your mother now can support you how my mother supports me!
No, your mother may not be a bad mother, but she is a negligent idiot. If someone told me they were feeling sick for over a year, I would believe them and take them to the hospital. ESPECIALLY IF MY CHILD WAS INVOLVED. Just because your mother is not in the health care business does not mean she has a right to ignore you. Makes no sense when a parent won't take their child to a doctor or spend a few hundred dollars to see if their child is really sick. Pathetic.
I just meant that seizures are not always distinctive. I had tons of them in front of teachers, friends, family and stil nobody knew including myself that something was wrong. And I did not even know what epilepsy was at that time. In that time I went to the dokter for other stuff so it's not like they did not want to pay for it. That's just stupid.
This is true there are different types of seizures. But I'm going to assume that it's not an absence seizure where he just stares off if it was noticed in the middle of a soccer game. Also I assume that the OP is at least a teenager and no matter what his mom should have gotten him help years ago! It shouldn't matter if she knew nothing about seizures she should have been more concerned about her son's health and why he kept having them. Not assume he was faking it.
Who said mothers know best? In this case she doesn’t...

... How the **** did your mom not get reported to Child Protective Services for medical neglect or at LEAST child endangerment? She could have bloody well killed you, and the fact you've had one seizure in public means you almost certainly have had others. And it's hard to imagine at least SOME of them would have occurred during school, which should have had you taken to the infirmary and quite likely the hospital! Was everyone around you that should have protected you from your crazy ass mother so stupid as to believe her accusations, or were they too lazy to give a ****? I'm glad you've got medicine to keep the seizures more controlled, OP. I do strongly suggest keeping them on you at all times so your mom can't throw them away with the "logic" that you don't need them because you are faking. Hell, it sounds like your mother would benefit from some medicine of her own- more specifically, maybe some antipsychotics would drag her head out of the clouds and back down to reality. Hopefully BEFORE she starts doing something even more dangerous.
So sorry OP. My now ex-wife was the same way as your mother. and I endured a broken neck and a fractured back in seizures in 2002 and 2005. She asked for a divorce the day i was diagnosed as epileptic. Take your meds, follow your docs directions and before you know it you will be doing so much better. I am entering my 15th month on my anti-convulsives and am almost 5 months seizure free.