By Anonymous - 28/06/2009 17:30 - United States

Today, I finally got my yearbook for senior year in high school. I started what everyone does, which is count how many times I appear in the yearbook. I stopped when I found a prominent photo of me, picking my nose in class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 693
You deserved it 50 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

That sucks. D: I can't believe they'd put that in a yearbook. /: FYL.


bettyboop274 0

YDI for being stupid enough to pick your nose in school, and what's even worse IT GOES UNDER THE DESKS or in the air and lands somewhere.

shakemup 0

The only thing a high school yearbook is good for is to look at pictures of all the hot girls you could have banged, and say "God, I should have banged her."

lmao according to FML the OP IS a woman.

dude what schools are open at June??? FAKE

my school got out a little past mid-June.. I'm in California, not sure what region this FML is, though, so it might be different.

xkaitlinwhitex 0

they probably got their yearbook mailed to them during the summer. sometimes they'll do that if you're not there the day they give them out.

LiziiBBY 0

that ******* sucks. but thats kinda gross that you pick your nose. thats what a tissue is for.

lilmiss_cowgrl 0
xkaitlinwhitex 0

lol it would suck more if that was the only one of you though. well, perhaps i'm wrong. i mean if your not as popular who cares if you picked your nose right? lol

honeybeezy 0

dude that's sick. why would you do that anyways? my 3 year old doesn't even do that

haha why were u picking ur nose in class? don't sweat it at least ur nostrils r clean

jbuczek1 0

At least it's your senior year...