By N - 20/05/2016 20:22 - United States - Glenwood Springs

Today, I paid 60 dollars for my senior yearbook. They forgot to put me in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 621
You deserved it 1 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is where all those years of scrapbooking will pay off, OP! Don your craft-goggles, wield your trusty glue stick and scissors, and FIGHT BACK!

That's terrible. Can't they customize another one for you with your picture in it. I mean it's senior yearbook, you need memories.


This is where all those years of scrapbooking will pay off, OP! Don your craft-goggles, wield your trusty glue stick and scissors, and FIGHT BACK!

This happened to my brother one year, try and see if the school will reimburse you? Anyways that really sucks.

SalsaVerdeDonut 22

This happened to me my junior year. But they put me in the sophomore section. So it looked like I failed and was a 2nd year sophomore. And to top it all off, that was the year I was into American Eagle and the photographer cropped my picture so my shirt read "A. Fag" instead of "A. Eagle"

MasterTron 24

Don't worry op happen to me with my senior yearbook.

I know that feeling, OP. I was a new student last year so they didn't put me on any page. :I

It probably didn't mean anything, they just made an error. It could have happened to anybody. Don't feel bad.

That's terrible. Can't they customize another one for you with your picture in it. I mean it's senior yearbook, you need memories.

They can't. I was on Yearbook staff in high school and making custom yearbooks is damn difficult on everyone's end. Make a custom yearbook for a single person is not going to happen.

PhoebeBuffett 13

I was in yearbook my freshman year and there was a mixup on the senior quotes page, and one girls quote was supposed to be a bible verse but they accidentally gave her a quote from another student who had the same last name that said "at least I have friends on the Internet." The problem with this was that the girl who got the wrong quote was autistic, and her parents threatened to sue the school if the yearbooks weren't recalled and redone. Because 3000 yearbooks couldn't be returned, the yearbook staff had to go through all of the yearbooks that hadn't been sold yet and cross out the wrong quote with a sharpie. It was a mess and unfortunately, yearbook teachers don't care when it comes to stuff like that :/

In middle school someone from yearbook club drew something offensive over a girls picture so they printed out stickers of the entire row to cover it up and handed them out like that.

A similar thing happened to me. They put me a grade below than I was actually in. (I was in 8th grade at the time and they put me in 7th grade) and I was furious. But I wasn't the only one that was furious. The yearbook computer messed up the whole yearbook and out pictures of last year and mixed up the baby pictures and they ended up getting detention.

Like the OP, this happened to me. They did it to me twice in high school, including my senior year, and there is no way to reprint. It would cost a fortune, unless they made one just for me, but what's the point? One day I'll probably run for office and my non presence in my year books will be used as the basis of a conspiracy theory.

cprad11 12

Is Pokemon the one movie where Harry Potter ascends Mt. Doom to cast the Millennium Falcon into the fire in order to save Hyrule? Or am I thinking of Star Trek?

You are thinking of Dr #10 collecting all the orbs to fight Chaos in Battlestar Galactica

Have no idea why these 2 were downvoted, thought they were funny lol

This happened to a guy at my high school years ago. They ended up making stickers of his photo and name and stuff and handed them out to everyone to put him in their yearbooks. Maybe you could suggest this. After all, it was their mistake, not yours.

My boyfriend's senior year they forgot to include a page for the varsity football team and they reprinted the yearbook for all the football players and coaches

So? Same exact thing happened to me. It happens