By x - 12/11/2012 02:16 - United States - Lake Placid

Today, I finally met the girl I've been talking to on phone for a while and found her charming in person as well. There's just one problem: she has more facial hair than I do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 566
You deserved it 6 605

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's not too big a problem. Appearence isn't everything.


staceya88 1

If she shaves it, it will grow thicker

It's called hursatism, and I'm sure you aren't the first person to make her feel bad about herself for that. Way to go.

Phone apps (at least the android app) don't have an edit button.

moofukmoocowmilk 3

And in the future you can look forward to arguments over who used all the shaving cream, and new razors.

lemonademixer 7

Don't judge people by their looks, you jerk!

Who cares what a girl looks like on the outside, look to her inner beauty. If you really care about what she looks like than go get a pretty girl that knocks up every guy in the neighborhood. If you like her for her, you won't care about apperance, and by the way, it was very shallow of you to post a FML because of this.

Icemelts 2

So? That doesn't subtract from her worth as a human being. If you aren't attracted to her, that's fine, but don't act like she owes you something and should conform to your standard of beauty. If you feel like being shallow with your partners, go find a girl that suits your physical taste to sleep with, and just treat the other ones you find fun to hang around with like, you know, human beings? Instead of judging every female solely on their worth as a mate, how about you learn to separate enjoyment of a person's company from romantic/sexual interest?

I can relate bro. why are all the good ones ugly lol. plus offense.