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By annonymus - 23/10/2014 00:57 - United States

Today, I flew to California to visit my younger sister at college. When I got to her house, her boyfriend looks at her and says, "She's not THAT ugly." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 370
You deserved it 2 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aww...somebody is insecure. take it as a compliment. she didn't want her boyfriend hitting on you. unless your sister is a jerk. and you have been called that all your life. punch her in the face.

You should have replied "yeah, neither is he!"


aww...somebody is insecure. take it as a compliment. she didn't want her boyfriend hitting on you. unless your sister is a jerk. and you have been called that all your life. punch her in the face.

stephanie0613 0

Kick your sisters ass, hahah what a bitch. She is your sister she is supposed to say that you are pretty :) ha

Mewzakuro240 0

What world do you live in miss? Since when are sisters supposed to LIKE each other, let alone give the other a compliment of any sort...?

on the bright side apparently you could look uglier... ahah

KingDingALing 9

12- A person who has a healthy relationship with their sister. Not all siblings are assholes.

trueblue42 4

that HAD TO have been a joke..... I just can't imagine someone saying that out loud and be serious. he must have a great sense of humor.

UnicornsDoExist 0

Maybe she was jealous of your looks, and tried to convince him you were fugly. In that case, it was a compliment (;

Xavi89 0

damn! you should slap your sister down!!!!

crazychick1269 7

haha I wouldn't do that even though my sister would probly say something like that...

AFloppyWetWhale 6

Yeah I would too to be honest

****** kill that bastard and chop his balls off and sell them on ebay. im down to buy **** nigga

OopsieDaisies 0

well at least it's flattering that he doesn't find you 'that ugly'

People talk shit behind eachothers backs all the time. The boyfriend is the retard in this situation.

sadly you are correct - the bf should have had enough common sense not to say it in front of her