By Mels - 06/01/2014 20:57 - United States - Boston

Today, I found a great recipe for dinner, and emailed it to myself with the subject "Dinner tonight". Hours later, I'd forgotten all about it, opened my emails, saw the subject line, and thought someone was asking me out to dinner. I got really excited until I saw the sender address. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 980
You deserved it 15 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blakesinthelake 11

Well was the dinner good at least?

It's almost like a nice little surprise like finding money but that surprise turns into pain when you realize it's Monopoly money..


Sorry OP. I've been in a similar situation before. Better to have your own company that the company of some of these jerks on here!

Nothing a bucket of ice cream and chick flicks can't fix

Effinusername 7

Chick flicks are Satan when youre lonely. Maybe she should watch some "Deadly Women" instead.

Being shot down from your moment of excitement hurts.

mxij 13

Plot twist: you had already eaten dinner

Is it still to late to ask you to dinner

Awww... But If the recipe works, you can invite someone and wow them with your great cooking.

you got food so nothing to be sad about!

an3ph 20

So… invite yourself out for dinner!

This is one of those forever alone moments.