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By Anonymous - 29/09/2018 03:00

Today, I found a video on my boyfriend's phone of him getting a blowjob. When I confronted him, he panicked and claimed it was me in the video. Then he tried to say it was from before we met, even though in the video he was wearing the watch I bought him for his birthday 3 days ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 547
You deserved it 341

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even though you gave him the watch, itโ€™s you who knows what time it is.

PenguinPal3017 19

On the bright side, it sounds like he likes the watch. It's hard to get gifts people will like.


whiskey'swino 15
redgiraffe27 6

Well, you got the "crime time" narrowed down to past three days. That could be the only silver lining.

PenguinPal3017 19

On the bright side, it sounds like he likes the watch. It's hard to get gifts people will like.

that doesn't make any sense, not like the girl giving him a bj would know it's from a girl

Sounds like the other girl also gave him a gift he liked!

angelface723 4


Which direction does time flow on that watch?

Even though you gave him the watch, itโ€™s you who knows what time it is.

why do you call him boyfriend instead of ex?

My sarcastic reply to the dude would be, "I didn't know you were a time traveler."