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By Tiny - 29/07/2014 08:27 - United States - Las Vegas

Today, I had to sit through yet another one of my mom's, "You need to grow and gain some weight!" rants. I'm 22 and she doesn't believe me when I tell her I'm done growing. I'm pretty sure I'm not getting past 5'2". FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 906
You deserved it 3 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Of you haven't already, I would suggest moving out.

I'm 34 and 5ft 1in, stopped growing when I was 12, lots of people appreciate us shorties!


Swandive235 27

I eat my own nose hairs, I'm a total gibbering idiot!

People still hate this, please stop

Good for you. That was so enlightening #1.

Don't worry I think FML staff delete comments from these idiots.

#1 will now be ranted at for not growing out of 4th grade "first" comments. But we can all rest assured, he's done growing.

Do us all a favor and take a swan dive into some concrete Swandive.

And we still can't up vote FML staff. Saddening stuff.

Thanks for the change, Alan. The comment is so fitting now.

\ 28

I sometimes eat pancakes with strawberries.

Seriously what's wrong with being skinny and short I'm 5'2 & tiny also and I don't hear my boy complicating ;)

askullnamedbilly 33

And what exactly does this have to do with #1's comment, dear #77? Or did you just want to make sure that everyone could see your comment first thing, instead of having to scroll down?

Kn0wledge123 21

Don't worry about it OP. I'm 26 and 5'5. I'm not growing anymore either. As long as you're comfortable in your own skin, can't no one tell you shit

Alan, it's the fact that it gets noticed! at least on the android app, first comments appear first, and are always read by ANYONE reading the comments at all. Normally when you see an FML, you can be commenter #50 or something... you'll never get noticed like that, might as well not type anything. so when you get to be first, you feel the power through your veins!! and then you post the most pointless thing you can think of. oh, I'm sorry, I just implied that there's thought involved. my bad.

#1 has successfully trolled half of fml

You wouldn't believe how many people reported the first comment for being gibberish. I didn't think reading the replies and figuring out what's happening could be so difficult.

kittykat1501 31

Alan, it is because the FML is a blank slate, and can be molded to their liking. Also the first comment more than likely will end up in the top comments.

Of you haven't already, I would suggest moving out.

Why would she want to move out of such a loving, supportive, and rational household?

I feel bad for OP. I'm told to "STOP" growing because I'm 6'5".

It's alright, survey says short girls have more fun anyway!

randomthing 22

Short people are cuter anyway! :D

vividpictures 17

Not true, almost all models are tall.

cantik20 5

That's ok being short, we always look younger and cuter. If guys messing around with us, we are closer to their other head.

Wear lifts to raise your mother's hopes :p

Guess that pun didn't sit well with ya'll

If you come eat with my family, I'm 100% positive you'll gain a few pounds.

trellz17 19

OP isn't trying to gain weight, it's about height.

trellz17 19

Oh, I just read it again. It's about weight AND height. Sorry

I'm 34 and 5ft 1in, stopped growing when I was 12, lots of people appreciate us shorties!

DeltaDragonxx 20

short people live longer too!

I'm done growing and I'm 4'11. But then again, I'm not an adult. My doctor told me I was done.

Yes! I am a tall guy that appreciates short ladies!

I'm 1,6 metres tall (sorry, I don't know how much that is in feet). For awhile everyone was convinced I was going to be the tallest in the family. Seven years later, still the same height. I've met girls who are up to my shoulder in high heels so that made me feel a bit better. Us southern Africans tend to be much shorter than our northern counterparts

I'm 18 and I'm 4"11. It can get depressing to see 10 years olds taller than me. I do love being short though :)

Omg yes. There are always 4th graders taller than me and I just kind of look up and sigh..

wellthen7154 12

I'm pretty close to being done growing, but I'm only 5' 3". I might have an inch or 2 left. You'll never get used to the unending short jokes, but hey, I can weave through crowds extremely well. Though, younger people who are taller than you are no fun.

Gaernem 17

My girlfriend is 20 years old and she is only 4'9". It's cute and she loves it!

Kn0wledge123 21

Short tends to be cute on girls but not on guys :-/ rejections galore. But hey, confidence goes a long way I learned.

CommentModerated 17

I don't know what she thinks talking about it's going to accomplish.

She's going to guilt a few more inches of growth out of her! That's how it works right?

It actually sounds like the Op's mom is more worried about the Op's weight and is using the excuse that she can't grow if she doesn't eat.

I think you should sign her up for some basic lessons in human biology. Even if you had more growing to do, I'm not sure how she thinks you can control it!

Inject yourself with with growth hormones. What can go wrong right?

It's not impossible to grow again after you've become an adult. A man named Adam Rainer was the only person in recorded history to have been both a dwarf and a giant. At age 18, he was measured at 122.55 cm (4 ft 0.25") then 14 years later when he was 32 he had another growth spurth causing him to grow about another 3ft. He did have a tumor in his brain causing the strange growth spurt though so I wouldn't recommend trying his method of growing.

At least she isn't asking you to get smaller.

Wait.... you're making it sound like she thinks you can grow at will.

My mothers the same, when I was the grotesquely tall girl in primary school I "wished" I would stop growing and after I didn't get past 5"4 my mum has told me that my wish came true and although my growth plates have reached I actively chose to stop growing and can hence begin growing again!