By Anonymous - 18/10/2015 14:23 - United States - Marshall

Today, I found my daughter's fanfiction account. I need a new pair of eyes, or brain bleach, or both. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 931
You deserved it 5 545

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You might want to talk to your kid op, that stuff can get pretty graphic. Unless you believe she's old enough. Then ydi if she is.


You really shouldn't have been snooping. And don't bring it up to her and embarrass her, because if she is a budding writer, the last thing she needs is to be made fun of by her parent.

A popular account I did not recognize as it was dedicated entirely (bio, profile picture and all) to the furry fandom began following me on Instgram. Not thinking much of it I just blocked the account, which then promting my 16 year old brother to ask why I blocked him on Instagram. That's how I learned that my brother was not only a furry, but he is a mod for an account with 1,000+ followers. I feel your pain.

What's wrong with furries? Does he **** your dog? No? Let him enjoy his fetish.

Is she over 18? If not she shouldnt be reading the M stories. THATS why good stories get deleted!! She actually has to purposely hunt them down!! Under 18, have a talk with her about what is appropriate and such.

How much snooping was involved in "finding" her account?

How did you just find it and know it was hers? Unless you were snooping through her computer and personal things, then you deserved it op. Let her do what she wants and I wouldn't worry. I became interested in writing novels from writing fanfiction.

To be honest, there isn't anything wrong g with this. The writing fanfic I mean. I've done it for years, since I was 11. I'm 24 and still write it. Mines always been adult oriented. I find it hard to believe you just stumbled upon it...I mean out of the hundreds of thousands of people who do this, you just happened to find hers? She either left it up on accident or you were looking through her stuff. Writing is a creative outlet for girls in particular. There are tons of ways to do it, either alone or with others, which is called rping. That's the one you want her to be careful with. You can meet some wonderful people online to write with...and you can meet some that only have bad intentions. I've met those ones, they made my life hell and to this day I worry about them finding me through rping sites. But I've also met extremely kind, loving people who have been friends for years. One even became my bf, we've been together for 2 years and still rp. Fanfic can be fun and entertaining if written by someone who knows how to do it. It can also be painful to read..but don't judge her just because she chooses to utilize her writing skills in such a way. Encourage it...and maybe stay off her account.