By Anonymous - 18/10/2015 14:23 - United States - Marshall

Today, I found my daughter's fanfiction account. I need a new pair of eyes, or brain bleach, or both. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 931
You deserved it 5 545

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You might want to talk to your kid op, that stuff can get pretty graphic. Unless you believe she's old enough. Then ydi if she is.


you should post a link to the account.

Was it slash? PWP? Crackfic? It can't be that bad unless the grammar was horrible as ****.

pleasedie 22

Umm can you please explain what all those things are ?

Slash is male on male sexual fiction, like say... Castiel and Dean from Supernatural, or Sherlock Holmes and Moriarty ( they actually referenced this in an episode of Sherlock ). PWP is "Plot? What plot?". It basically means it's just pornographic, with no story or anything else. Just sexual in nature. Crackfic is outlandish and ridiculous fiction, purposely written that way. It's like parody or camp in modern film and TV. It's named that way because "the author must have been on crack" to write it.

All correct except one. PWP is **** with plot, PWOP is **** without plot. At least in the fandom im in.

leogachi 15

@93 The fandom you're in got it wrong. Or they deliberately changed the meaning of it in their fics to better suit their needs, which I think is absurd.

Maybe you should just encourage her to become a better writer instead of freak out about it. It doesn't matter what the topic is or how "adult" the themes are, the point is that she's doing something she clearly likes and maybe one day she'll become a bestselling author, screenwriter, journalist, etc. The worst thing you can do is flip your shit and yell/scream/berate her, or tell her that females shouldn't do this or that. That's exactly why we have so few women in the sciences - people telling us we can't do it, starting with our parents. You have a great chance here to push ahead of the pack and be an inspiration for equality and encouragement, which can only help her when she becomes a parent and passes that long too. Yay for improvement of our species! I got into a similar situation with my own dad. I was 20 and he found 'pictures' I had taken of myself, and even though it was awkward as hell, it turned out alright because he didn't judge me for it. He just asked me to keep them more private so nobody could find them on accident. I didn't feel ashamed of my body like what other young women have gone through, being told not to take pictures of themselves, that they can't be sexual beings like men, etc.

pleasedie 22

Holy hot cakes, I guess I learned something new today. Haha I just couldn't imagine some just casually writing **** on their laptop

How is the daughter being told not write for being female. The parent just found what was written to be disgusting. Also, women are so encouraged to go in the sciences but still are outnumbered. They make up the majority of university students but chose other fields. Women are more social creatures so they are more likely to go in jobs like social work while men are less social. Hence them going into less social jobs like engineering and the science.

I agree, if the daughter ever reads this, you go girl!!! and join the Facebook fanfiction groups, they're amazing... :) you'll learn a lot there!

#105 how is this relevant ? And I'm not sure calling women social "creatures" is the best idea you've had

I'm not saying that OP did that, I'm just stating a sad fact that I really hope he helps change. It -is- true though, women are discouraged both directly and indirectly. Children's toys are not equal - there are scientist, truck driver, etc stuff for boys but not for girls, who get princesses, mommies, kitchen sets, etc ( not that there's anything wrong with being any of those jobs or liking those things, it's just biased ). Girls in HS still get the "you can't date ever" while boys get encouraged to date, and even just things like masturbation are ridiculously taboo for girls but not boys ( this is also thankfully changing ). And women on the internet, especially in the world of fandom and gaming? Yeah, being called a ****/***** and getting rape threats is still a sad, scary reality. You have to be blind not to know that, at the very least. Thankfully we're moving forward, albeit at a slow pace, and we see more equality in this world. It starts with parents though, and I hope OP will help with taking that step forward. Mad props to him if he does!

19990231 29

36, you're making a sexist argument over nothing. It doesn't say anywhere that he doesn't want her doing that because she's a girl, more likely he doesn't want her doing that because he found it repulsive. End of sorry.

KryssLB 14

Where else would you write ****? I mean, unless you have a desktop, too. Trying to type anything that long on a tablet or smartphone would just be silly.

@148 If it had been a son, it wouldn't even get posted, I can almost promise you that. That's why.

You need help, you close-minded buffoon.

Only if the writing , spelling or grammar is bad, maybe daddy can offer his skills as beta reader :)

that stuff can be pretty personal. It maybe published, but under a fake name. I'd hate for my parents to read my fanfic. And it is a genre where pretty much anything goes. The whole point is to play around with characters and realities, to push boundaries and explore. I recommend steering clear of her stuff because it is a bit like looking at a diary in terms of it being writing that is personal and you don't want people to see if they know who you are.

I mean, if she's like 16 or so, it's different than if she were 12. It depends on the stuff she writes. If the kind of thing she wrote happened in our society, would it be frowned upon? (ie rape, drug use, etc.) that's when you need to really worry. Good luck op, and don't be too hard on her.

That's debatable, since society makes out a lot of things to be more harmful than they really are, and also shoves its nose into private business way more than needed. The real measure of concern should be if the daughter is grounded enough in reality to differentiate between what is acceptable to act on in reality. Fantasies are fine- hell, things like rape and incest **** are some of the highest consumed- and considering that they have to be made before they can be read, watched or whatever, and that there is a constant need for more female written and directed ****, the kinks involved shouldn't be a point of drawing the line. The line should be drawn on whether someone is going to be hurt by the action- as in, having rape fantasies is acceptable but actually planning to or committing rape in the real world is NOT acceptable. The same goes for the OP's daughters age- it isn't like there's some cosmic event that occurs every time someone turns 18 that makes them capable of handling **** and not confusing it with reality. The real concern would be if she is accessing or posting it in a way that could be unsafe, such as (for some unholy reason) having the account linked to her Facebook or other social media account that has her private information on it.

KryssLB 14

That depends entirely on the quality of her writing. I've read fics by people claiming to be in college (at least one said she was an English major, just to make it extra depressing) which had such poor grammar and spelling that I honestly don't know how they managed to graduate; and I've read excellent, very well-written, thoughtful prose by thirteen-year-olds (who sounded more like they were in college than that English major, certainly). It really depends on the quality of the writing. OP, what was so awful about it? Was it too explicit for you to feel comfortable reading? Would you have been okay with it if it had been written by a stranger? Were you put off by her poor writing/spelling/punctuation/grammar/grasp of sex? Did she display a greater knowledge of sex terms/positions/whatever than you feel appropriate for her age (if so, take comfort in the knowledge that writing about it doesn't necessarily equate to firsthand knowledge about it, and some things are more fun to fantasize about than to actually do oneself)? If it's the quality of her writing, suggest a beta reader to proofread (nicely). If it's a lack of knowledge of her subject, then explain (nicely). If she was too explicit and/or knowledgeable about sex for your comfort, then mind your own business! Better she have more knowledge than you think she ought to have than less, at least. And there's a Reddit for eyebleach which may help. Google "eyebleach Reddit".

Not to be weird but I would love a follow-up here

Do you mind, if I ask, what she wrote said fanfics of?