By tspence - 20/03/2013 22:08 - United States - Genoa

Today, I found myself arguing with a 6-year-old over a game of tag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 589
You deserved it 34 233

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I do that with my nephew all the time. Little shit likes to cheat at everything.

KittenQuinn 6

Those little suckers are competitive!!


I have that on a daily basis. It's one of the things that makes my job fun. Though, the children i work with are four year olds.

Competitive much?? It's just a game of tag and I bet OP runs faster than the lil guy anyway..

I'm curious as to what you were arguing over exactly? I mean, the rules are pretty clear. If he tagged you, you're it.

oj101 33

Tag always brings out the worst in anyone - and that applies to all ages.

Guys! You have to remember the rules! There are no tag backs until 5 seconds have passed! And you can call time out but you have to be on or touching a pre-designated base! You also should set the fair boundaries before hand! I mean if your playing with someone who can't climb it's not fair for you to climb a giant tree! So remember set the rules first and then it'll be fine!

There are never any tag-backs. I learned it the hard way, damn kids broke my spine.

OP- Shame on you for putting winning above the pleasure of the game. You taught that kid the wrong lesson!!

You should threaten to tell the child's mother.

You peeked. Cheater cheater pumpkin eater! Liar liar pants on fire! Wait... what am I making for dinner you ask? The sweet taste of you being it. Tag, you're it!

Peeked? He said tag, not hide and seek.

perdix 29

You shouldn't have argued the point -- the next time you are "it," slap the little bastard with a hard tag to even things out.