By pompomkiwi - 24/12/2013 06:09 - United States - Portland

Today, I found out about my co-workers' new game. Whoever talks to me first loses. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 940
You deserved it 3 442

pompomkiwi tells us more.

ha thanks for all the comments, I never thought that it would actually be published. To all those comments asking what I did, they were all mad because I was the only one who got a Christmas bonus, and this was only because I had way more hours put in then the rest of them. And too the comment who said I should try to get them to loose I'm gonna do that!

Top comments

This is why I appreciate my company's policy of salary (and anything money related) secrecy. No one is allowed to know other people's salary or bonuses to avoid situations like yours. Merry xmas OP!

You should do things that force them to talk to you, like accidentally bumping them or asking for work related assistance. Pick one a day, and have fun with your asshole coworkers.


Dodge4x4Ram 46

you'll get promoted & make the game real fun then O:-)

Make it part of your game too. Go up to them and ask them nonstop questions and see who cracks. Fun fun!

Wish my coworkers would play this game on me.

Walk up to each one of them individually and announce with a condescending tone,"do not speak to me unless spoken to."

Say to them "Don't say anything to me if you think you are ugly. Ok great! Don't say anything to me if you want me to post a picture of you around the office that says that you're ugly, along with your signature at the bottom. Cool, I got my camera right here with the flash on -- don't worry, the red eye isn't that bad. Ok smile!!"

ha thanks for all the comments, I never thought that it would actually be published. To all those comments asking what I did, they were all mad because I was the only one who got a Christmas bonus, and this was only because I had way more hours put in then the rest of them. And too the comment who said I should try to get them to loose I'm gonna do that!

Woah. The mods must definitely correct grammar before publishing. I hope what you're going to make them loose is their assholes.

You should work on your grammar then, too. Loosening their assholes and losing are two totally different things.

This is why I appreciate my company's policy of salary (and anything money related) secrecy. No one is allowed to know other people's salary or bonuses to avoid situations like yours. Merry xmas OP!

59 - Yeah... You totally missed the point.

Not to be "that guy", but I think that's illegal... I might be a state to state thing, but in my training for work my super mentioned that it's illegal for companies to say that you can't discuss your wages and what not. I'm glad you're happy with the policy, but I'm curious as to the legality of it. (:

Our bonuses are posted at work. It's good motivation to try harder. Our job is hourly and performance based.

jazzy_123 20

ahh jealous bitches. What are you going to do about em? Although it does seem unfair, you said you've worked many hours so I'm sure you deserved that bonus as well (: so I'm siding with you!

Exactly why I never talk about salary or bonus with anyone at work. You don't know how how much the other person is or isn't getting and often you really don't want to know cause things may not turn out as you think.

#69 it is frowned on to discuss wages but right to work states can make any rule they want. bonuses are different

goody1987 10

You aren't that guy but you were that girl.

Your coworkers sound very mature.

And when are they graduating grade school?