By Mom - 11/06/2011 17:25 - United States

Today, I found out all about my son's secret online double life. He's been moonlighting for two years as a male prostitute by the name of Peter Parker. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 508
You deserved it 5 596

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He should've called himself "Peter Porker."

Nikki_ASW 0


Peter Parker, parks his Peter, where Parker's Peter needs to be parked!!!!

That's a stupid name... Peter Porker would be better. Or even Peter Porkher.

sephoraprincess 7

At least he's smart enough to get people to pay him for sex, instead of the other way around...

how'd you find out? Because that would be really awkward if it was because you "ordered" a prostitute & he showed up!

Wow, looks like me and my mom are due for an awkward conversation I guess FML.

spider-*****, spider-*****. Does what ever a spider-***** does. Can he swing from a web? No he can't; your son's a *****!