By Anonymous - 20/09/2009 05:03 - United States
BeHarsh27 tells us more.
OP here. I've been on 3 different depression meds before this. The first didnt do hardly anything, the second made me really moody and pretty much angry constantly no matter the situation, and the last seemed to help some, but not all that much. I had a sleep study not long ago and actually got some concrete results from it. I can fall asleep in minutes (normal is like 15 to 20 I think) and I get to REM sleep in less than 15 minutes (again, normal is like ~1 hour). So its not a problem with me not getting to sleep for the one suggesting pot, lol. As of now I'm taking Ritalin, the second recommended drug for hypersomnia. The "suggested" medication is Provigil, but its way too expensive for me to afford even with insurance. The times I tried to go to school was for music performance. I did progressively "better" each time I went, being better prepared each time, but that still didnt keep me from sleeping too late, missing classes, and subsequently getting so far behind that it seemed useless to go anyway. I'm currently looking into game design schools (level design specifically, not programming/animation) as I got a little burned out on the music thing. Thanks for the feedback, its good to know theres others out there dealing with the same thing I am.
Top comments
Ouch. My mom has that too. She's been prescribed a medication that's pretty much the exact same as speed, and it still barely even gets her to a normal level of wakefulness.
Hypersomnia is caused by lack of sleep, stress, and depression. It's possible you have both.
Sorry, but nobody knows the causes of hypersomnia. Yet.
No, that's insomnia. The causes of hypersomnia are not yet known.
Hypersomniacs unite!
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anyway**** you, 2. I have hypersomnia and I can assure you it's not "all in one's head."
Hypersomnia can also be cause *by* depression... So maybe they were treating you correctly, they just didn't prescribe the appropriate drug or dosage :-)
That sounds very similar to what my boyfriend has (he refuses to see a doctor, so I guess we'll never know)... and he failed once, then dropped out the second and third times because he either couldn't stay awake, or couldn't wake up to go. It sucks to have and it interferes with pretty much every aspect of life. I really do hope things get better for you =
Doctors try to make everything out to be depression now a days... I'm not saying that did or did not happen in your case, but it certainly was with mine. Years of being 'treated' for something you don't have, while what you DO have is ruining your life. It sucks. But I hope they can treat you properly now so you can feel better. :)
Thats exactly whats happening to me now. I just got my GED because i could never wake up for school/stay awake. Im being treated for depression atm too but its not doing a damn thing. I've never heard of hypersomnia though... I need to look it up. I honestly hope you get everything back together OP. FYL indeed. Well wishes!
u poor little thing ):
This is what katamari damacy is for.

Ouch. My mom has that too. She's been prescribed a medication that's pretty much the exact same as speed, and it still barely even gets her to a normal level of wakefulness.
That sounds very similar to what my boyfriend has (he refuses to see a doctor, so I guess we'll never know)... and he failed once, then dropped out the second and third times because he either couldn't stay awake, or couldn't wake up to go. It sucks to have and it interferes with pretty much every aspect of life. I really do hope things get better for you =