By AtomicDiamond87 - 19/08/2013 19:55 - United States - Toppenish

Today, I found out I'm pregnant. I told my boyfriend and my close family, who were all ecstatic. Then he told his mother. Her reaction? "It better come out looking like him." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 394
You deserved it 3 851

AtomicDiamond87 tells us more.

AtomicDiamond87 15

OP here. Well She didn't say it as a joke. She's always been a let down. But thank you all for the good comments. No I don't cheat. I love my boyfriend. Been together almost two years. Didn't plan for a baby because the doctors told him he wasn't able. He's so happy. And i'm always tired. Ad for the woman who also have mother in law problems keep your heads up :)

Top comments

AnthonyWheeler15 24

Ignore her OP. I'm are you guys will have a beautiful baby on both your parts. Congrats!

Congrats again. Sucks to have mean mother in laws. Glad mine is sweet.


Poetaster 10

Do you sleep around? There is more to it than op wrote..,

OP already provided a follow-up in the comment above. She didn't cheat or sleep around.

hopefully the baby will soften her up when it's born. :)

OP you may want to check out the DWIL page on Those ladies will help you shut her shit down.

missnewmomma 8

ask her directly exactly why she thinks you are being unfaithful to her son. She is being a dillhole.

ash0158 15

Hahaha a dillhole. Love it. Sorry OP I hope everything gets better with time and a new addition to the family. My grandma never liked my mom and aunts choice of husbands but she'll tolerate them now and I'm sure she's just being pshyco obsessive about how in her mind you're stealing her baby away. Good luck though!

He was told that he couldn't have children.

Tons of men are told they can't have children. Tons of women too. It's not always true. Ops MIL should not be such a ****. She should have been excited and happy for her rather than assuming OPs a cheater. My MIL is always like omg he looks just like his daddy he does all this like his dad. And I wouldn't doubt it if she thought otherwise.

My mother in law was the same way when my husband and I had our first baby. Just ignore her comments because she will probably be like my mother in law and be crazy about the baby afters he/she is born! Congrats on the baby!

wolflover2468 5

I think she meant that you better not have cheated

M-I-Ls can be terrible when my husband and I decided to adopt because I can't have children her response was well at least his sister has kids so we will have two real grandkids... Congrats and don't let her negativity ruin how amazing having a baby is :)

Holy_Schnikes 23

I told my Grandmother me and my Fiancé are looking to adopt and give birth as well and she started telling us we "wont love it because it wont be [ours]." We also have a puppy with a missing leg from a car accident before we got him and a cat with a missing eye, so now every time babies are brought up (my cousin had a girl last week) my Grandma starts telling people we only want to adopt so we can get a child with missing limbs or deaf.

Congratulations, OP! I'm glad you have a good attitude about your mother in law ( in response to OP's comment) and I hope everything works out for you, your love, and your little one! Have fun and good luck!

wow #71I can't believe your MIL said that. How awful! Adopting children is a wonderful way to go - there are just too many kids out there that need a loving home. Your MIL should feel proud, and those ARE "real" grandkids. I'm sorry I completely posted this under the wrong comment. Please accept my apology!!

Is this her hoping it's his kid, or that she thinks you're ugly?