By ecuboy - 26/10/2010 16:49 - United States
ecuboy tells us more.
To answer some questions: I attend a public university (ECU), and the professor teaches closed-minded ethics. If you take anybody's cultural background or own personal beliefs into consideration when determining if what they did was morally right or wrong than you are wrong. There are no gray areas and there are no extenuating circumstances to change that in his mind.
Top comments
well you could always ask for a hearing with the review board or the dept chair
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayWho said that the prof had any right to judge and decide a mark based on somebody elses morals!
Maybe he thought that because he's an ethics professor.
#33 There is no such thing as a 5th trimester.
#33 5th trimester? The key is in the word trimester... think triangle or tricycle? :P
the class name
Well... were you writing "why it's okay to curbstomp your grandma" or "arguments in favor of eugenics"... something like that?
that's a great point
I would curbstomp anyone who gets in the way of my world domination
Hmm... 43, either we team up or curbstomp the hell out of each other.
Why is there no possible argument in favor of eugenics? Wouldn't it be better if you can argue something ridiculous than what's usually accepted?
wow what a bitch. that is completely wrong and you should definitely report it! hopefully the problem can be resolved and u can either retake it or have it graded more fairly... she could get fired for that =
I thought I had commented here
I completely agree that your professor is messed up. The same thing happened to me in my religion class. I told my teacher that I did not believe anything we were learning, and she gave me a F on the next test.
Next paper should be on corrupt leftist professors who only propagandize their own personal radical views rather than doing the job they're paid to do. Include a discussion on the importance of lively debate in an academic setting. Discuss the concepts of honor and integrity. It's definately teach the teacher time.
Very well said
how many extreme right wing professors do you know of in mainstream academia? I'm pretty sure I could count them on my fingers. however I lack any hard evidence on this so feel free to prove me wrong.
i know several professors like that who are right wing.... because i am unfortunate enough to live in southern alabama. where there are a lot of them.
science is left because we practice reason.
I think you are confused #84. as my fellow dr. (#83) pointed out, the overwhelming majority of scientists fall on the left side of the political spectrum. science requires of it's practitioners that they view all possibilities objectively and arrive at whatever conclusion proves to be supported by the evidence, even if said conclusion goes against the previously accepted truths. likewise when life's issues are viewed through completely objective eyes, not limited by pre conceived notions dictated by tradition or the confines of a religious doctrine, one often ends up arriving at a conclusion that aligns more closely with ideas expressed by the left than that of the right. hence the point #83 tried to make. if the right were based on reason rather than emotion, then glen beck wouldn't need to cry every episode to convince his viewers that the sky is falling.
9 = win
ROFLBERRY, you just blew my mind a little bit. I would be remiss, however, if I didn't point out "definitely."
Nor did I say it did. My mind remains adequately blown.
Genuine question: Do you go to a Christian college? I've been amazed recently talking to friends in the US how in some universities it's OK for professors to push their personal beliefs ahead of teaching the students. If it's not a Christian college, what was the professor's reason for thinking this? Personally, I'd file a complaint, withdraw while telling the faculty exactly why, and go to a school that doesn't go in for this sort of garbage.
the fact that you seem to believe this is in any way limited to Christian schools is hilarious. in fact my experience is that it is often better at the Christian schools. that's just my experience though.
Fair enough. I'm trying to get my head around how this would be possible in the first place. The comment thread below makes it clear that it seems to come from all sides. Thanks for the clarification.
my experience is completely different. the christian school i live near suspended someone basically for disagreeing with church views on homosexuality. suspended for 'back talking to teachers' and 'unruly behavior.'
@siege10 Just out of curiosity, how many schools have you gone to that you can conclude that it's often better at Christian schools? I have no opinion one way or another, but to make the claim you make would suggest that you have first hand knowledge of a number of schools. I'm thinking that's not so.
To answer some questions: I attend a public university (ECU), and the professor teaches closed-minded ethics. If you take anybody's cultural background or own personal beliefs into consideration when determining if what they did was morally right or wrong than you are wrong. There are no gray areas and there are no extenuating circumstances to change that in his mind.
With all due respect, that's a pretty shitty way to teach ethics. For example, say you took the moral standpoint 'Thou shalt not kill.' Fair enough, right? So what about in self defence, or if you're a soldier, or state executioner? By that standard, all of those scenarios would be ethically indefensible. Now, I understand that some people might see it that way, but it's hardly a world view. Could you steal to save yourself from starving? Could you lie to the interrogator that's about to shoot your friend as a spy if you tell the truth? Frankly, it's the most ridiculous philosophy ever. Also, if you're taking criminal justice, it's the opposite of the way it actually works. The law is made up words, not an ethical absolute. If it were black and white, there'd be no lawyers. The most critical thing for a law student to understand is that laws aren't real. You will often walk into a Court of Law, but almost never into a Court of Justice.
As someone who grew up not too far from your school, I can say the following with confidence: Any poster who doesn't believe you clearly has never lived in North Carolina.
Apologies for gravedigging, but a professor who doesn't believe in gray areas should not be teaching ethics.

wow what a bitch. that is completely wrong and you should definitely report it! hopefully the problem can be resolved and u can either retake it or have it graded more fairly... she could get fired for that =
I completely agree that your professor is messed up. The same thing happened to me in my religion class. I told my teacher that I did not believe anything we were learning, and she gave me a F on the next test.