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By Tootsy_Roll_Pop - 23/05/2009 16:15 - United States

Today, I spent the whole day seeing how many licks it would take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop: 763. I'm 24. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 259
You deserved it 23 284

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Serves that asshole Mr. Owl right, somebody was bound to foil his plans to keep the answer from the world

starbucks14 0

I wouldn't have wasted my entire day on that but i think the fact that you accomplished something like that is kind of cool, then again I'm 15. ♥


theice 0

haha!!! it only took me 637!!! I win!!!

Today, I spent the whole day seeing how many licks it would take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop: 763. I'm 24. MLIA

lemlikesrainbows 0

I guess it depends on how much syliva is in your mouth! ^_~

MexicanTexasQtt 9

If I could like this more than once I would! I love MLIA!

Llama_Face89 33

390- or a car. Incidentally it only took me 3.

starbucks14 0

I wouldn't have wasted my entire day on that but i think the fact that you accomplished something like that is kind of cool, then again I'm 15. ♥

TxCountryBeauty 10

Yea I've always wondered but I never had the patience.

It is a deed that only you were brave enough to accomplish.


I actually watched a video where a guy tried that, after about 150 his tongue started bleeding really bad.

lifewithsarah 0

AHAHHAHA! that's amazing! :)

xO_starstruck_xO 0
omgitsseejay 0
uberkrissy 0

That's what the internet is for. And age doen't matter, you're still lame.

what if he's the first to do this? so internet doesn't help on that. and if ur 3 that's great if ur 80 that's amazing cuz u didn't forget after 18 licks.