By sydspears3 - 09/09/2014 18:08 - United States - Tampa
sydspears3 tells us more.
To answers some questions and requests- 1) yes I did post one of the videos to my YouTube channel which I will provide a link to 2) Moms do not ruin life, they make it possible 3) In my moms defense I never told her take take my phone but I just thought she would have thought to when she saw me snapchating people 4) The I didn't give my mom my phone is because we didn't think they would effect me so much since they didn't really effect my 3 older siblings when they got their out. 5) Sorry for the long follow up but here's the link to video Or just search my YouTube channel Sydspears3
Top comments
Well you have an excuse...use it
To answers some questions and requests- 1) yes I did post one of the videos to my YouTube channel which I will provide a link to 2) Moms do not ruin life, they make it possible 3) In my moms defense I never told her take take my phone but I just thought she would have thought to when she saw me snapchating people 4) The I didn't give my mom my phone is because we didn't think they would effect me so much since they didn't really effect my 3 older siblings when they got their out. 5) Sorry for the long follow up but here's the link to video Or just search my YouTube channel Sydspears3
Replying to #24's comment, that's what it was like for my 3 older siblings but for some reason the meds just affected me a lot more. I couldn't even walk out to the car after haha. They had to wheel me out in a wheel chair and the last thing I remember was asking the nurse if I could drive the wheel chair. I don't even know how they got me in the car hehe.
I keep reading these stories and I keep thinking "What the **** do they give patients in the US as pain killers?" Don't you guys have regular pain killers, like the rest of us? I had 3 wisdom teeth removed in one session and my doctor gave me high-dose ibuprofen, worked like a charm. Didn't post anything on youtube and I didnt growl and hiss at anyone o.O
I'm not sure what I got, but I got 7 wisdom teeth out at one time and I was really out of it when I woke up. Not anything outrageous like thinking aliens were real, but I was extremely tired and nauseous (although I've got horrible motion sickness anyway, and have even gotten nauseous watching movies or watching people on swings - and forget me getting on a swing myself). I wish I had funny videos of me after I got mine out, I just look groggy and weird in mine. Haha.
7 wisdom teeth? Most people only have 4! I can imagine that having so many teeth pulled at once would suck though. I'm currently trying my best to not have just one pulled (they're trying to save it with a root canal instead, which also sucks, but at least I still have my tooth at the end), the idea terrifies me.
I had 6 wisdom teeth removed and I was just like you after surgery, 33
I think there might be something wrong with you if you had 7 wisdom teeth pulled
It's not the painkillers that make people loopy, it's the meds used to put them to sleep. Laughing gas makes people loopy too. My son had to have surgery when he was 3 and they gave him something to relax and make him not remember the "traumatic experience". He was laughing and let the nurses wheel him away from me and my fiancé. He would have never done that under ordinary circumstances lol. Also, I thought people usually only have 4 wisdom teeth also. That is crazy!
#30 most patients in the US receive Vicodin (Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen) or some other variation of Hydrocodone which isn't given to people in most other parts of the world. However from first hand experience I can say that the painkillers themselves aren't too bad aside from the drowsiness. What really makes people act strange is the nitrous oxide or other anesthetics they give you during the actual surgery to numb you. (The same ones aren't used in every case so not everyone growls and hisses at people) Also you may not have needed painkillers for your extractions. Not everyone does.
Those anesthetics are crazy eh I didn't remember anything when I woke up with my mouth stuffed with gauze worst feeling ever not to mention the pain meds and freezing that lasted for 6 hours luckily I had got 30 percocets only used a third of them before the pain was manageable
out of curiosity, to anyone whos had both, what is wisdom teeth gas like in comparison to smoking weed? I mean which one makes you more loopy/ say strange things? (clearly both do to a certain extent haha ).
I just had all 4 wisdom teeth taken out, 2 of them had to be cut out. They gave me a script for 10 vicodin after the surgery and I drove myself home. Nitrous oxide doesn't make you hallucinate, you're being retarded. It's just a sedative (although I admit it does feel kinda cool.)
Neither. If you want to trip take LSD but if weed makes you act goofy, you clearly can't handle drugs at all. I don't recommend taking nitrous oxide recreationally, especially if you don't know what you're doing. Just smoke some pot if you want to get high. It's almost impossible to **** that up.
Well in her defense, I wouldn't take your phone either if you were growling at me
I don't know about you, but my mom gave me life