By AZN656 - 04/03/2010 11:24 - Australia

Today, I found out my brother blew chunks into the inside of my jeans. How did I find this out? I put them on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 963
You deserved it 2 966

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how could you not know there was vomit in your jeans before you even tried to put them on? you're a dumbass! ydi

betseyville 6

Ew. I hope you kicked his ass.


You and your brother have a questionable relationship, to say the least.

You didn't smell that before you out them on???

he probably won't **** u for a month but I'll be glad to step in

boyguydudemalema 0

i agree with #29. you overeacted tho, you killed it . . . :(

MRsJenni 0
katiebabe93 0

hahaha omg that so funny sucks to be you

meluvsyou 0

I hope for your sake that this is fake. If not, total ydi for not having a sense of smell.